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I immediately could tell when Gina came home because the door slammed shut behind her, and I could hear her greeting our parents, who then yelled up that they where going to head out to our aunt's, and they'd be back in about a week. Our aunt had fallen and broke her arm, and mum and dad were going to go and help her. When Gina came upstairs, she was wearing my Nirvana t-shirt, and a pair of leggings with a flower headband and black converse. She'd just gotten the ends of her dirty blond hair blue, and she had a french manicure. This I knew only because she dragged me with her everywhere yesterday to get it all done. "I'm headed to McDonalds, you want anything?" I asked, grabbing my keys. "Fries please," she smiled, as she headed out of my room to hers accros the hall. She has the master bedroom. it has a fancy flat screen TV and a mini fridge that always has pop in it. It's kinda unfair that Gina gets the master bedroom with an ensuite and a walk in closet, and I just get a regular room, with my bathroom down the hall. I guess it's fair since I make millions, and am super famous, and on tour 90% of the time.

When I came back from McDonalds, Gina was changed into a pair of black sweatpants from Urban Planet, and my Nirvana t-shirt, still. "Hey," she said, "Wanna have a lazy day with me? I'm watching Mean Girls in a few minutes." "I'll go change," I smiled. I tossed her the fries that I'd gotten her. "Get more chips while you're up," she called after me, making me laugh. After watching Mean Girls, Titanic and The Batman Movies, we finally went to bed.

I woke up at ten, to Amnesia, my ring tone. "Hey," I answered grogilly. "Hey Lukey, I'm coming over with Calum and Ashton in 2 hours." Michael said. "Okay," I said as I sarted walking down the stairs. "Hey Gina," I called out into the house. "I'm gonna have Michael, Ashton and Calum over to practice." I hear an okay from Gina, and I carry on making her favorite meal, bacon and chocolate chip pancakes.

A few minutes later, she comes running down the stairs. "Are you making bacon?" She asks, slightly out of breath from running all the way across the house. "Yeah," I say "Want some?" "Yes please," she says, already getting plates and knives. "So how's you boyfriend doing?" I ask. "Oh, Peter? We broke up about a month ago," Gina says, "I like someone else." "Really? Who?" I asked. "Just a friend," she replied. That's weird. Usually I'm the first person she tells when she like someone, but I let it go. It was probably just someone that I knew.

"So when are Michael, Ashton and Calum coming over?" She asked. "In about an hour," I replied. "What!" Gina practically screamed in my ear, "I need to get ready!" And she ran up to her room, muttering about curling irons, and other random girly make up stuff. Why is it such a big deal anyways, they're not anyone special to her.

Promise // Michael CliffordWhere stories live. Discover now