01 | Enjoying the Chaos

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If Bin thought Dongmin's mom had asked a lot of questions during the drive to the resort, it was nothing compared to the interrogation when they got to the lobby and met up with the rest of Dongmin's family;

When had he realised he was into guys?

How long had he and Dongmin been together?

How did his parents feel about his identity?

Bin tried to answer as patiently as possible, but when Dongmin returned with the keys to their room, he excused himself quickly.

“I never thought I'd get away. Is your aunt a detective or something?”

Dongmin chuckled as he swiped the key card. “She's just excited that her favourite nephew is gay like her. It's not that common, you know.”

Bin slung his bag on the floor, about to come up with some half-assed reply when he saw the king sized bed that took up half the room. “Fuck, no. I'm out of here. I can't do this.”

“Oh come on, it's not that bad.” Dongmin bit his lip, taking off his shoes and padding over to the window, pulling back the curtains. “Look at the magnificent view!”

“No offense, Dongmin, but I don't give a shit about the view. Why on earth did your family book us a double bed?”

“I suspect for the same reason my mom sneaked a whole stack of condoms into my bag earlier.”

Bin looked at him incredulously, laughing as he shook his head. “This is too weird, Min. I'd rather sleep on the floor.”

“Don't be ridiculous, Binnie, it's cold. This is no different from that time we went on that school outing and shared a tent.” Dongmin flopped down on the bed, resting his hands behind his head.

“Yeah, except we were in different sleeping bags.”

“I'm sure we can ask for an extra bed if it bothers you that much.”

“And risk your loving aunt Sherlock asking us what's wrong and sending us to couples therapy?” Dongmin snorted from the bed, and Bin grinned at his own joke, reaching into his bag and grabbing his phone. “Just give me time to work through it. Or... knock me out with a hammer and spoon me in my sleep, if you must.”

“Hey.” Bin looked up from his phone long enough to catch Dongmin's shy smile. “Thanks again.”

“We'll have a nice vacation together, and I don't have to worry about your mom hooking you up with some sleazeball who'll steal you away from me and give you a bunch of STDs. It all works out for the best.”

“Hey!” Dongmin grinned as he picked up a pillow, smacking Bin's back with it. “I'd use a condom!”

“Ugh, did you have to say that? Now I'm imagining you getting fucked by some random guy.”

“Yeah, does he look good?” It was Dongmin's turn to get hit with the pillow, but he only laughed it off. “A-ah... ah... yeah, harder baby! That's the spot, your dick feels so good!”

“What the fuck?” Bin scrunched his nose up in distaste, hitting Dongmin again for good measure. Dongmin was about to retaliate when they heard a knock on the door, and he got up to answer it instead.

“Oh, hi, mom,” Dongmin stuttered, moving aside so she could enter the room. She smiled at Bin on the bed, who waved back.

“It's good to see you boys still have your clothes on,” she said with a smile. Bin burst out laughing, and Dongmin blushed to his ears.


She held up a hand to silence him. “It's not that long since I was 20 years old myself, and I know what I did with my boyfriend in hotel rooms back then.” Another roar of laughter from Bin, Dongmin hiding his face in his palms with a shameful whine. “How is the room, Binnie?”

Bin gasped for breath between fits of laughter. “It's great, ma'am, thank you for your generosity.”

“It's the least I could do. Dongmin stopped sharing a room with Donghwi years ago, anyway. It was no trouble to upgrade his usual single room to a double.”

“Mom, could you please stop embarrassing me,” Dongmin mumbled.

“There's nothing embarrassing about that.” Bin said.

“You boys be nice,” Dongmin's mother said with a smile. “Dinner is at seven, Dongmin knows the way to the dining hall. See you then.”

Bin waited until the door was locked before he started giggling again. “Your mom was quite the sinner when she was our age, apparently.”

“Shut up before I suffocate you with the pillow,” Dongmin hissed. “I'm so gonna regret this. Maybe I should have just gone on the blind date instead.”

“Aw, but sweetheart.”

Dongmin made a gagging noise and whining sounds. “Don't call me that!”

“Sure thing, peaches.”

“You're loving this, aren't you? You evil bastard.”

Bin's only reply was a grin as he picked his phone back up.

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