03 | A Good 'Friend'

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“I just think it's unfair that your mom won't let you get a bird,” Bin said, a little too loudly, speech slurred from the alcohol, and Dongmin frantically tried to shush him, holding him up with one arm while swiping the key card with the other.

“Be quiet, Binnie, it's late. People are trying to sleep,” Dongmin said in that patient tone of voice he always used when Bin was drunk, and Bin was well aware.

“I think you'd be a great bird dad,” Bin said, stumbling into their room, almost toppling over, but Dongmin's grip on his arm kept him upright. “If we lived together, I'd let you have, like, so many birds.”

“So many?” Dongmin asked, locking the door behind them and gesturing to the bathroom, walking slowly so Bin could focus on keeping his balance.

A whole flock of them. Even if they kept me awake all night,” Bin said with a determined nod, and Dongmin smiled as he leaned Bin against the counter, leaving him there to rummage around in his bag for his toothbrush.

“With how loud you're being right now, I think it'd be the other way around.”

“They'd get used to me,” Bin said, watching Dongmin fill a cup with water and hand it to him. “Kind of like you,” he said, downing the entire cup in one go and giving it back to Dongmin, who filled it again. “How much water do you want me to drink?”

“So many,” Dongmin replied, waiting until Bin had emptied the cup again before handing him his toothbrush. Thankfully, Bin didn't seem too far gone to operate it. “You'll thank me in the morning.”

“You're a great friend, Dongmin,” Bin said, spitting toothpaste all over the mirror, making Dongmin's lips curl into a smile.

“Think you can piss without drowning in the toilet?”

“I can do my best.”

Bin did manage, though it took so long Dongmin had started to worry by the time Bin flushed and washed his hands, waddling over to the bed. He got his jeans halfway down his legs before he fell down on the bed with a low groan, not protesting when Dongmin pulled them the rest of the way off, folding the duvet over him. “Good night,” Bin mumbled, half asleep already.

A quiet laugh sounded from the bathroom in reply. “Good night.”

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