Chapter 5.

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Years later

(Y/n) POV:

I walked into my house bringing the mail inside, bakugou and I had registered for UA, a couple days ago bakugou had gotten his acceptance letter but he hadnt opened it yet because he was waiting for mine to arrive

I shuffled through the mail until I saw one with my name on it.

I ran upstairs and grabbed my phone I then ran back downstairs and drove all the way to Bakugous house.

I opened the door and ran up to Bakugous room

"I got it." I exclaimed out of breath and excited.

We then sat down on his bed.

"3" I said

"2" he continued

"1" we said.

We then ripped open the letters.

"I got accepted." We almost screamed.

For the entire summer we started saving our money and got together almost every day to learn Japanese.

Almost two weeks before school started we had saved up enough of money to buy plane tickets to Japan and rent an apartment in japan, we had also became fluent in Japanese.

After a couple very long flight we had finally made it to Japan.

A week later

"Buzz buzz buzz." My alarm clock chimed.

I jumped out of bed and got dressed in the UA uniform. In the other room I could hear Bakugou's alarm go off.

I walked into the kitchen and made pancakes. After we finished eating we walked to UA.

"I'm so excited!" I said looking up at the school.

"Me too." Bakugou said looking at me with and unreadable look on his face.

We then walked in to the school. We both had class 1A. When we walked in we got greeted by a bunch of students.

"Its nice to meet you all, I'm (y/n) and this is Bakugou." I said introducing Bakugou and I.

Just then our teacher came in and bakugou and I made our way to our seats. I looked to my right and saw a boy with half red half white hair.

"Who is that?" I asked Bakugou pointing to the boy.

"I don't know, he didn't introduce himself to us."

Bakugou's POV.

"Who is that." (y/n) asked me pointing to a boy in the corner that had half white half red hair.

"I don't know, he didn't introduce himself to us." I replied thinking he looked kind of stupid.

At lunch we walked down to the cafeteria no tables were empty so (y/n) suggested we sit next to the boy with red and white hair boy that's name was Todoroki.

I had ran into Ochaco Uraraka and asked her about the boy and she told me his name and quirk.

"Can we sit here, there are no empty tables?" (y/n) asked in perfect Japanese

I had liked (y/n) ever since we had met but I had never gotten the courage to tell her and while we ate at the table with icyhot I considered telling her after school once we got back to our apartment.

After school.


(Y/n) POV

"Hey (y/n) can I talk to you for a minute?" Bakugou said from the other room.

"Yeah what's up?" I said walking into the living room and sitting down on the couch next to him.

He then stood up to face me

"(Y/n) i..I like you."

He then leaned in and kissed me, he then pulled away. I sat there shocked trying to process what just happened.

"I..I'm sorry." He said.

with tears in his eyes he ran out of the apartment door.

"Bakugou, wait." I said but it was to late he had already left.

I grabbed my shoes and slid them on, I ran to the door and almost slammed it behind me, I ran down flights of stairs knowing that the elevator would take to long.

Once I got outside it was pouring down rain,

How am i going to find him now?
I thought to myself, I then ran into the ran he has to be nearby I thought hoping he wouldn't be far.

I ran down to the park and saw a figure with their knees up to their chest and their head between their knees.

I walked up to the figure and once I got closer I realized it was Bakugou.

I sat down beside him putting my arm around him and bringing him close

"Come on Bakugou let's go home." I whispered in his ear.

We both stood up and walked back to the apartment.

Once we got back I helped Bakugou get his we clothes off and I helped put him in dry clothes, he then layed on his bed while I made him soup.

After the soup was done I brought it to him.

"Thank you." He whispered

"Your welcome." I whispered back.

After he was finished with the soup I took the bowl to the sink, rinsed it off and set it in the dish washer.

I then went over to Bakugous room and turned on his alarm clock, I then got up on his bed, layed down next to him and fell asleep.

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