Tired and Confused

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After some time, Terry slowed his pace and tapped my arm.

"You awake up there?" He asked.

"Yeah," I answered, rubbing my eyes.

"Okay." Terry set me back down and kept talking. "When we go in there, I need you to not look like you're freaking out or hurt. I don't want any misunderstandings, I just want to see our parents." I didn't feel all that scared, which made me think Terry was saying this more to himself than to me. "And I have no idea what's going on, and when Dad called me he sounded fine and said he was fine, but Mom was in a coma and-" I yawned, and Terry sighed. "Well, you seem to be doing just fine... Don't freak out." He took my hand and led us through the doors of the hospital.

I was hit with bright lights and a strong smell of antiseptic. There was a lady behind a counter on some kind of computer. She looked tired. Terry cleared his throat to get her attention.

"Oh." She looked up from the computer. "How may I help you?"

"Uh, we're here to see-"

"To see someone? Visiting hours aren't for-"

"Yes, I know, but my parents were in a crash last night and my mom is in a coma and Dad is with her and I just need to-"

"Alright, calm down," The lady cut off again. "What's your mom's name?"

"Faith Afton," Terry answered. The lady typed up something on her computer and told us to go to room 724. Terry thanked her and pulled us to an elevator, where we rode it up to the seventh floor.

The whole time Terry was rocking back and forth on his feet and biting his nails.

"Are you okay?" I asked. Terry shook his head.

"Are you?"

I didn't know. I was just tired and confused. So I just shrugged.

The elevator doors opened and we walked out, only for Terry to freeze mid-step.

"I forgot the room number," He croaked.

"It's 24," I said.

"Are you sure?" Terry asked.


"100 percent positive?"


"We don't need to go back and-"

"Yes!" I shouted. "I know that's the room number."

"Okay, but be quiet," Terry whispered, realizing how loud we were being. "There are probably people still sleeping. It was hardly five thirty when we left the house."

We quietly walked down to the room that was marked 724: Faith Caroline Afton.

Terry froze again. He was biting his lip and I could see his hands shaking.

"Can we go in?" I asked.

"Yes, but I have no idea how... stable... Dad is," Terry responded. "Sometimes when he's emotionally messed up, he gets a little... never mind. I'll go in first, you wait here for five seconds."

Terry quietly opened the door and slid into the room, leaving the door cracked open. I could hear him talking to Dad from inside.

"Hey," Terry said. "I came as soon as I called. Michael is here, I'm just not sure if you wanted him in here right now."

"You can get him in a minute," Dad said. "Did you have to wake him up?"

"Yeah. I think he's still pretty tired."

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