The Mall

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Eins POV

"Are you sure you can eat all that food?" I asked him when we sat down. He had ordered a range of different burgers and I just had a big Mac.

"Mhm!" He said while stuffing the first burger into his mouth.

After he had eaten three more burgers and I had long finished mine, he was starting to eat slower, he was getting full.

"Need some help there?" I asked him, there was still four burgers on the table. Aaron nodded and smiled weakly. I laughed and picked up the McChicken sandwich which was closest to me and ate it. Between us we managed to finish all the food.

"We still have a few hours since we're going at night so d'you want to do anything until then?" I asked him.

"Maybe we could do something to make us hungry again." He said, "I want to be able to eat popcorn!"

I laughed. Then thought, what could we do? Then Aaron looked like he had an idea.

"I'm going to chase you." He said.

"What-?" I started them he ran at me. I yelled and ran in the opposite direction. He chased me around the mall for about ten minutes before he caught me.

After about an hour and a half of back and forth chasing we eventually stopped.

"Come on, we should go to the cinema." I said, out of breath.

"Yeah," he replied. I took Aaron's hand and we looked at each other for a second before we walked together to the cinema. We bought a bag of popcorn to share and a drink each then we went into the actual theatre and found our seats.

I know this chapter is shorter than the others but this was a good place to break it up! I'll post another chapter tomorrow.

Alight! So the reads on this book have almost doubled since yesterday! OMG IM DYING OF HAPPINESS! I'm glad so many people ship this it makes me so happy!

Lizzie-chan out!

Einron (Ein x Aaron)Where stories live. Discover now