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Skipping a few months to the end of the year, Aaron is graduating from college.

Ein's POV

"How do I look?" Aaron asked me for the fifth time that morning.

"You look beautiful as usual babe," I said with a laugh, "You also look as good as you did the last five times you asked me already."

"Sorry," Aaron apologised, "I'm just really nervous."

"You shouldn't be, you'll be fine." I said, "Plus, we'll all be there cheering for you," 

"Thanks, Ein," Aaron said, hugging me.

"Come on, I made you breakfast," I said,

"Oh no..."  Aaron said, following me into the kitchen where a plate of bacon and toast was set out on the counter.

"since when did you know how to cook without destroying the kitchen?" Aaron asked, laughing.

"I found this youtube channel... It was good at teaching." I said.

"What? And I wasn't?" Aaron said, smiling and ruffling my hair.

"Hey!" I batted his hand away, "You only tried once!" 

"True, now are these bacon strips poisoned or something?" Aaron asked.

"Why would you even think that? They aren't even burnt around the edges!" I yelled.

"Because you cooked them? I was only joking." Aaron said.

"I know, now eat it!" I said.

"Ok, ok!" Aaron said, taking a fork from the draw and starting to eat his food.


"Olive garden!" Aphmau yelled.

"What about it?" Asked Katelyn, over the few months since I had seen her again Aphmau had forced us to be in the same room so she had gotten over her anger at me.

"Can we go? As an after-graduation party?" Aph said.

"Aaron's choice, he's the one who graduated," Garroth said.

"Olive garden sounds great guys," Aaron said, Aphmau jumped up and down with excitement. 

"I'll call a cab! Ein, come with me!" Aphmau yelled. Before I could respond she grabbed my arm and pulled me away.


"So, did you get me a present?" Aaron asked. while we were at olive garden everyone had given him a graduation present.

"Yes, here." I walked over to him and tackled him into a hug.

"So you didn't get me anything." Aaron laughed, pushing me off.

"Nope."  I said, "You know I'm poor! I spent all of my money on calculators!" 

"Of course you did," Aaron said.

"So, do you have somewhere to live? You know, when you're gone next year?" I asked.

"No," Aaron replied sarcastically, "I was hoping that you'd let me sleep in your closet, Of course, I do!"

I laughed, "Yeah that was a dumb question." 

"Hey... Do you have anywhere to live? During the summer and when you graduate?" Aaron asked. I hadn't thought that far ahead, I didn't have a place to go when I finished college next year or even a place to go during the summer, seeing as my dad kicked me out. I shook my head sadly.

"You could stay with me? At least until you get a place of your own." Aaron said. I looked up at him.

"Yes! Thank you so much, Aaron! You're the best boyfriend ever!" I said, looping my arms around his neck and kissing his cheek.


And they all lived happily ever after... until season six. >:3

And there we have the end of this story! I'm glad I found a way to end this without discontinuing it because man, I was stuck for a long time!

I hope that everyone who is still reading this after all of the chapters of nonsense that I posted enjoyed the story.

Also! I'm so sorry this is late! I literally forgot this existed XD


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