Ein tries to cook

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We were stood in the kitchen, Aaron was talking me through the basics of making cookies, which was the recipe we had chosen because it looked quite simple.

"Ok, I need to get something from my room, crack the eggs into the bowl while I'm gone." Aaron said, before turning and walking into his bedroom.

Aaron's POV.

I walked back into the main room to see the kitchen in absolute chaos, Ein was on the floor, covered in white flour and egg, the counter top was also covered in flour and eggs, as well as what looked like sugar, as I got closer I noticed the smashed vinegar bottle on the floor as well as the sugar and vanilla extract that was spilling everywhere.
"W-what happened?" I asked, stunned, "I was only gone for two minutes!"
"Umm..." Ein said, "I picked up the egg box to get the eggs but I accidentally knocked over the flour which startled me into dropping the eggs which smashed everywhere, I jumped backwards and hit the other counter by accident, knocking over the sugar and the vanilla, which knocked the vinegar onto the floor where it smashed and scared me so much I fell down."

I stood there stunned.
"Go clean yourself up, I'll try and sort this out." I said. Ein nodded.
"O-ok." Said Ein, before going off towards the bathroom.

I cleaned the broken glass and vinegar off of the floor first, then I cleaned up the mess on the counters, after ten minutes the kitchen was clean again, the only problem was that there was barely any ingredients left, and that the whole room smelled strongly of vinegar.
"Ein?" I yelled, "I'm going to go and get more stuff, I'll be back soon."
"Ok!" I heard a muffled reply.

• • •

I got back to the dorm and Ein was on the sofa, in New clothes, flicking through the TV channels.
"You ok?" I asked as I walked in.
"I'm fine." He said, "But maybe I shouldn't be allowed within three meters of a kitchen." He laughed, I could tell he wasn't upset, so I laughed as well.
"Maybe not." I agreed. Sitting down with him though.
"Does this mean I get no cookies?" He asked, looking up at me.
"I'll make them for you." I said with a smile, then looked at my phone, "But not now.*
"Aww, why not?" Ein asked.
"Because we have class in ten minutes." I said, "I'll make them tomorrow."
"Ok, let's go to class." Ein said, standing up, I followed him out of the door and we headed to class.


I got it out on time!

I hope that everyone likes this chapter!



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