Christmas! (Pt1)

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Q and A
Thank you everyone that asked questions!

1.(This question was given to me by thefoxoflegends thank you)
What is your favourite thing about Einron?

I don't really know what my favourite part is, maybe that they hate eachother and that turns to love.

2. (This question was given to me by Moonlight_Playz12 thank you)
is your name actually Lizzie?

No it's not, but I use it like a nickname because I don't like my real name :)

3: (This question was given to me by wolfie_dose_all thank you)
How do you stay motivated to keep writing?

It's two things I think, 1: I love the story, and I enjoy writing it, if it was a story that I didn't enjoy then I wouldn't write it half as much. And 2: you guys, this might sound cringy, but just reading your comments, seeing how many people read this, it just makes me want to continue for you guys.

4: (this question was given to me by Kiri_Playz thank you)
Do you have ships in other fandoms like anime?

No, I don't watch a lot of anime (other than Fairytail) and don't really have that many ships, I mean I ship Katniss and Gale from the Hunger Games and Ron and Hermione from Harry potter but yeah, most of my ships are from books and Aphmau.

5. (This question was given to me by LeLanixoxoxYT thank you)
Would Aaron still love Ein even if he was a meif'wa?

I think he would, I don't think that Aaron would reject someone because of their species.


6  what is the strangest thing you have in your room?

That's a hard one, either my tube collection or my bottle top collection.

7. Do you have any pets?

Yes, two cats, Pebble and Pixie,
two Horses: Jo and Ricky
And six fish: Derek, Gene, Sushi, Pablo, Beaker and Watsit
They're all family pets except Ricky who is my sister's pony.

8. If you were told you had one week left to live, what would you do?

Anything high up and dangerous, skydiving, paragliding, bungee jumping, maybe go to a theme park or two, spend all my money going places, deep sea diving, exploring caves Etc then at the end of the week I'd kill myself by jumping into a volcano because why not I'm going to die anyway?

9. what is the most useless thing you've ever bought?

Some stupid little tippex dispenser thingies, they didn't work and were the worst things ever :(

10. What is your favourite three word sentence?

Life is tasty. (Don't question me)

There is another Q and A on my Ein X Reader book with different questions if you want to check that out too! <3

Sorry this came out later than I said, I was playing Minecraft and I lost track of time :(


Ein's pov.
I woke up and checked my phone, ,there was a message from Aphmau which said "MERRY CHRISTMAS!" In all caps and with lots of christmassy emoji's. I sent one back and jumped up out of bed. I walked quietly over to Aaron's room, he was still asleep. Perfect. I thought, I grabbed the presents I had got for him and put them under our Christmas tree then I went back to his room.

Aaron was still asleep, I checked the time and it was 9:27am. I decided that I should wake him up. I jumped on top of him and he didn't wake up.
"Aaaaaronnnn." I said into his ear, "aaaron wake uuuupppp."
He groaned, "go away Ein, I wanna sleep." He said.
I rested my head on my hands, my elbows were either side of his neck, my face was hovering inches above his, his face was tilted to the said and his eyes were still closed.
"Come on Aaron .. it's Christmas!" I said, he opened his eyes slightly and looked up at me.
"Get off." He said.
"Not a chance." I replied.
"If you don't get off then you'll have to lie here with me." Aaron said."Because I'm not moving "
"Fine by me." I said, resting my head on his neck. I heard him laugh quietly, I sat up.
"What's wrong?" He asked.
"Oh nothing..." I said with a smile, I lead back down but this time  our lips met,

Aaron's Pov.
Ein was lead on top of me, kissing me, I pushed him off and sat up.
"Ok ok I'm up." I said, laughing.
"Good, I'm hungry." Ein said.
"You just woke me up because you wanted food?" I asked.
"Yep!" He said before standing up. I stood up too and he followed me into the main room.

While we were eating breakfast (pancakes with maple syrup) Ein just stopped, and stared at me.
"Are you ok?" I asked him.
"Y-yeah.. I just had a thought..." He said.
"What was it?" I asked.
"Just that we never actually made our relationship official..." He said.
"Well I can fix that." I said, I took his hand, "Ein, will you be my boyfriend?" I asked him, he blushed.
"Of course I will Aaron!" He said I smiled and hugged him, I kissed his nose before going back to my pancakes.

Ein walked up to me, I was sitting in the kitchen drinking a poopsi and eating a Christmas cookie. He took my poopsi and threw it out of the window.
"What was that for?" I asked, he was looking at where he'd thrown the poopsi, thankfully the window had been open.
"You know how I feel about poopsi." He said.
"No I don't...?" I said, hoping that he'd tell me because I'm really confused.
"I have a fear of poopsi, I've been scared of it since a blue haired werewolf girl threw it on me when I was little." He said.
"Guess I'll just have some Fanta then." I said, he smiled as I grabbed the bottle of Fanta from the fridge and poured myself a glass.

Hey everyone!

I hope you all enjoyed the chapter and knowing more about me!

Lizzie~Chan out!

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