Don't Touch My Little Brother

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Wanda was buzzing, literally. She was vibrating with excitement. She was back from a month-long mission with Natasha and got to pick up Peter! She sat in the car outside his school, waiting anxiously for the kids to start flowing out. She practically jumped in excitement when the first kid walked out. She watched and watched, trying to find Peter in the crowds. She began to worry when it had been ten minutes yet her little brother was nowhere to be found. She was frowning and looking around with anxiously. It had been a few minutes since a kid had left the school, telling her it was probably mostly empty. She carefully got out of the car and tried to feel for Peter was her powers. Finally, she was able to find him and latched her energy onto him so she could hear what he was hearing. She was furious with what she heard and magic began to surround her as she stormed behind the school.


Peter wasn't really sure how long he and Flash had been back here. Flash had been calling him names and telling him how all the death in his life was his fault. He did his best to ignore the insults, trying to remind himself of what Tony and his family had told him. Flash was kicking and punching him, but that didn't hurt too bad. Physical pain he could take. That's how he got through patrols. But emotional pain was what hurt him.

He nearly jumped when he saw a red ball of magic come soaring at Flash's head, knocking him to the ground. He smiled when he saw Wanda. He was glad she was back, but she looked very angry. He needed to do something before Flash was dead and there was a lot of paperwork to do.

"Wanda! You're home!"

Wanda snapped his attention to Peter, her gaze softening when she saw him.

"Hello, Peter. I have missed you very much. We can celebrate later. It seems I have a person to destroy." Wanda made a move closer to Flash.

"Woah there Wanda, let's not murder Flash. You don't have to do this. Plus its too much paperwork. Let's just go, I'm okay."

Wanda let out a growl at Flash but nodded, agreeing not to murder him. Not today at least.

"If you ever touch my little brother again, you will feel the full power of the Scarlet Witch. And the Avengers. Now go."

Wanda turned and walked with Peter, the magic around her fading as she calmed.

"Now, we have pranks to perform big sister. I suggest Clint first." 

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