Chapter 2: The Popular Boy

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When I arrived at school, it was nothing like I thought I was going to be. It was way better. There are lots of clubs to sign up for in the main hallway since it's the first day. I saw a sign that was for soccer so I walked over.

"Hello, I am Saige Mills. The girl's soccer team captain. Would you like to put your name on the roster sheet for try-outs?" She asked.

"Yes, I would," I replied.

"Are you new around here?" One of the other girls behind the table asked.

"Yeah, I'm Ava. Ava Grace. I moved from..." I said before being cut off.

"Nice to meet you. Next please." Said Saige. I turned around and tried to look for the office. I think I walked past it but I don't remember. I kept on walking until a girl stopped me by surprise.

"Come here, quick." She said as she pulled me in the other direction. 

"What, wait, who are you?" I questioned, still being pulled. Finally when we got to a table for an art club. 

"Can you hold up this for me. Great now all I need is the tape. Where did I put the tape?" She asked herself.

"Right here," I said as I picked up the tape and gave it to her.  

"Thanks." She said and started to tape up a sign that said Art Club

"Did you make that sign?" I asked.

"Yup. It took me a couple of days to do but I  did it." She answered. 

"It's nice." I complimented. 

"Thanks for helping me. Sorry I pulled you through the hallway." She apologized.

"It's fine," I said. "Hey, can you show me where the office is. I just moved here." 

"Sure thing. I'm Mia Johnson." She stated as she put her arm out to shake hands.

"I'm Ava Grace," I said as we shook hands.

"Follow me A. G." She said as I followed her through the crowded hallway.

                                                                              . . . . . . . .

Finally, when lunch came, I already got through 3 of my classes.  Mia was in my reading class so I sat next to her. She is a little weird but I kind of like her. She isn't like Claire thought. Claire was funny, kind, and crazy. Mia is all thoughts things but she isn't Claire.

I walked to my locker to grab my lunch box when I came across Mia talking to some boy I haven't seen yet. 

"Hey, Mia," I said as I walked closer to her. 

"Oh hey, Ava. I want you to meet Jackson." She said.

"Hey." He said casually.

"Hi," I replied.

"Jackson's my boyfriend and Ava just moved here." She said. 

"Oh, where from?" He asked.

"I moved from Maine," I said. They both looked at me then looked at each other.

"From Maine." He said. "That's far." 

"Yeah," I said as the bell rang.

"Oh, I have to go to my next class. See ya later Mia. Nice to meet you, Ava."

"Bye Jackson." 

"Nice to meet you too, Jackson."

"Do you have lunch next Ava?" Asked Mia.

"Yeah. I have to go get my lunch from my locker. Can you come so I know where to find the lunch room?" I asked.

"Of course. Let's go."

We walked down a long hallway of lockers and classrooms to my locker. I grabbed my lunch and followed Mia to the lunch room which wasn't that far away from my locker as I thought.

"This is our amazing lunchroom," she sarcastically said. 

"Wow. This isn't amazing. It's awesome. So much better than the one at my old school." I said. 

"Well just don't get the school lunch it's gross," she added.

"I won't," I said as I followed her through the lunch room when I bumped into someone.

"Are you ok?" A guy with a deep soothing voice asked.

"Yeah, I'm fine," I said as I got up. I got a better look at the guy. He had a perfect tan. His eyes were brown and his hair was a darker brown. He was wearing a suit jacket that said, Lion Football with the last name on the arm of the jacket that said, Taylor

"I'm Zac." He said with a perfect smile.

"I'm, um, um, Ava," I said nervously.

"That's a nice name, Ava."

"Zac, let's go." Said Saige.

"I'll be right there Saige." He said as he rolled his eyes. "I have to go Ava?"

"Ava Grace," I added. 

"See ya, Ava Grace," Zac said and walked to a table with other football players, cheerleaders, and Saige's posse.

~Authors Note~

Hey guys, I hope you like chapter 2. Make sure you vote and tell your friends about this story. Enjoy :)


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