Chapter 8: Let's Meet at the Beach

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When we finished practice I grabbed my things.

"Mia, do you want to go to the beach tomorrow. It's supposed to be nice and in the high 90's," I said trying to persuade her into going. 

"Sure, I'll text you later for more details. I have to go to a family thing." She said as she turned around and left.

I walked to my car and looked to see if Zac was still sitting on the bleachers but he wasn't. I looked around but didn't see him anywhere. I walked to the trunk of my car to put my stuff away and was surprised.

"Boo!" He yelled as he jumped out from behind my car.

"Oh my go..." I yelled before he covers my mouth so I didn't attract any attention. He put his hand down.

"I didn't know you got scared so easily," He laughed.

"Haha," I rolled my eyes. "My mom banned my brothers from scaring me, I once got so scared that I passed out and my mother thought I had a heart attack." I laughed.

"Wow, what did he do?" He asked. He curved his smile into a concerned look. He looked cute when he did that. 

"He just jumped out of a bush in front of our old house in Maine and I fell into the door and then backward. Luckily we didn't have stairs." I smiled.

"Oh, that isn't bad." He said. 

"Yeah, until you have the guilt of maybe killing me," I said. "My mom told me that my brother was crying. He was I think 9 at the time so 4 years ago. It's my brother Ethan." I explained.

"Oh, well then I am not going to scare you again." He said as if he was taking an oath. 

"I have to get going. Maybe we'll see each other at the beach tomorrow?" I stated.

"Maybe, bye Ava, sleep well." He said as he hugged me goodbye and walked to his truck. I have those stupid butterflies again. 


I woke up and just laid in my bed. I stared at the ceiling in my room for about 5 minutes then got up. Mia agreed to go to the beach. I was going to pick her up around 9 so I had 45 minutes to get ready. She lived 10 minutes away so I planned on leaving on around 9:50 but that wasn't going to happen. I texted her and told her I was going to be late.

Ava: Hey, I woke up late. I might be at your house at around 9:10 to 9:15.

Mia: Ok, I woke up late to so I am running around trying to find things so now I can just take my time.

Ava: Haha, see ya at 9:15. 

With that. I locked my phone and walked into my bathroom and took a quick shower. I then walked to my closet and looked at my bathing suits. 

I went with my black bikini that had zig-zag string going down the middle. I grabbed my old soccer jersey and put it on over. I also grabbed one of my jean shorts with rips in them. I next brushed my hair and left it down. I decided not to put on any make-up just in case it smudges but it's not supposed to. I looked at myself and felt confident and grabbed my keys off my burrow and walked to my car. 

When I got to her house it was nice on the outside. I walked too at the front door and got the courage to ring the doorbell. Mia answered and welcomed me inside. 

"Hey girl, how are you?" I asked as she showed me to her room. 

"Good, how are you?" She asked.

"I'm good. Nice house." I said as we got to her room. It was decorated with paintings and she had a desk with paint stuff and one with school work. Her bed was a white sheet with paint splatters on it. Her wallpaper in her room was white with more paint splats on it. She had a couple of pictures about soccer and basketball but it was mostly the paintings she made on the wall. 

"Thanks, my dad and his dad built this house from the ground up by there self. At least that's what they told me but I think that they hired a company to help build it." She laughed. "When you want to leave my house and go to the beach?" She asked. 

"I don't care when we leave," I said.

"Well, my parents will be home in like 10 minutes and there crazy so I want to leave before them." She said.

"Ok, let's leave now then," I said and she grabbed her phone off her school desk and we walked out to my car.

"Is Jackson coming?" I asked. I told her that he could come because I wasn't sure if Zac was going to come but I never got a reply to that so I decided to ask. 

"No," she signed. "He is going with friends again." She rolled her eyes.

"What wrong with that?" I asked. 

"He is always going with his friends so I never have time with him. When he switched lunch it was mostly to see his friends more. They now have lunch and block 4 together." She looked at me with worry in her eye.

"That's not good. How long has this been happening?" I asked.

"Since we first started dating." She replied.

"When did you first start dating." She started to cry.

"Since freshman year." She cried.

"You should either talk to him about it or break up with him," I said.

"I have talked to him about it. Many times and he said he would change but he never did. I think I want to break up with him." She started to stop crying but she still was crying. We talked about it until we got to my house. My brothers were either with friends or at football games. My sister was at a sleepover and my parents were gone so it was just Mia and me in the house.

"Wow, your house is big." She said as she looked around. I walked my room as Mia followed.

"Thanks, all I need to grab is my towel and sunscreen and we can go. I also have so buggy boards that I can bring if you want to feel like a kid again." we both laughed. I like to buggy board with my sister. I tried surfing but I don't feel like a kid when I surf. 

"Bring the buggy boards and I forgot a towel. Do you mind if I use one of yours?" SHe asked.

"Of course, and I thought you would agree with me about the buggy boards." I laughed again. I grabbed a couple of extra towels and we went out of my room and onto the back porch. We put on sunscreen and headed to the beach for a great beach day.

~Author's Note~

Hey guys, I was at a summer camp so I haven't had time to update. So I might have one tomorrow but not sure. Have a good week or day. Bye.


P.S. I will be at the camp for a couple of days so I might not update for a couple of days. Bye :)

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