Chapter 7: We're Both Captains

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^~Ava's outfit to school~^

I woke up with my homework on my bed. I fell asleep. I looked at the clock. It read 6:37 am. I usually wake up at 6:45 am to get ready for school so I decided to get ready now. I take a 5-minute shower like always and then go to my closet. I grabbed my "normal people scare me" shirt and my dark/light wash jean shorts out of my closet and put them on. I walked back into the bathroom and brushed my hair. I put it in a neat bun then grabbed my black scrunchie and a black hair tie and put it on my wrist for soccer later. I put on some mascara and eye shadow. I put on a little lipstick but not much. I am not a huge fan of lipstick or makeup in general but I wear it to beautify myself. 

I walked out of the bathroom and grabbed my phone off my desk. I powered it on and saw I had a couple of unread messages. 

Claire: Omg, we need to talk. Skylar is back and she looks helpless since she isn't popular anymore. Lol.

Ava: Omg, that's funny. I wonder if Jason still likes her. LOL 

Claire: I think he does but she apparently has a boyfriend from the old town she moved to.

Ava: Oh, weird. I have to get ready for school. Chat later sista?  

Claire: You know it sista. Love ya.

Ava: Back at you sista.

I walked downstairs and smelt pancakes. My parents were gone again so our nanny was here watching the younger kids. 

"Hey Hannah, are those pancakes for me?" I joked. 

"I guess so, they were for me but whatever." She laughed.

"I'll leave some for you I guess." I joked.

"Hey, you look nice today," I said to Justin as he walked down the stairs.

"Thanks, back at you." He said and walked toward the couch. I grabbed one pancake for me and one for him and set them both on the island.

"You dressing up for someone?" I asked. 

"Maybe, I am just wearing clothes." He said.

"Those aren't clothes you wear for school. You trying to impress Saige?" I asked.

"Yeah, she's really nice and I like her so I want her to like me so I can ask her out." He said. I walked to the island and grabbed a fork for my brother and I. He already was about to eat without a fork before I handed him the fork.

"One, if you want to impress her then you might want to eat with a fork." I sated as he just kept on eating. 

"You look nice too Ava," Hannah said.

"Yeah, who you dressing up for," Justin added as he stuffed a piece of the pancake into his mouth.

"Someone but not telling who," I said.

"It must be Zac then." Justin spits out.

"Oh, who's Zac?" Aksed Hannah as I felt my cheeks burn red. "I see the red on those cheeks," she added.

"Great, now it's gonna be awkward between Zac and me." He said.

"Really it's gonna be weird if your dating someone that doesn't like me," I said.

"Whatever, see you at school then Ava," Justin said as he grabbed his school bag from off the ground and headed out the door. 

"I have to go get ready to leave. Bye Hannah." I said as I gave her a hug and walked upstairs to my room. 

I walked over to my closet and grabbed my black high top Converse and put them on with a struggle. My black ones always seem to want to have a fight with me when I put them on. I also grabbed my Nike slip-on sandals and stuffed those into my soccer bag. I grabbed my new practice uniform in my soccer bag and zipped it up. I pilled all my homework from last night into my bag and zipped that up too. Then I grabbed a pair of sunglasses with wavey sided and put them on to finish my outfit. I grabbed my car keys and headed out to my car on my way to school. 

When school finally got done I was relieved. We were going to do a scrimmage and vote on who is going to be team captain today so it was going to be an easy soccer practice. Since it's Friday we are going to take it easy. 

When we all got on the field our coach handed us a piece of paper to write who our vote was for team captain. I voted Mia and myself because I didn't know who else to vote for.

We all finished she tallied up the votes and made a face when she was done. 

"I am happy to say we have a tie." She yelled at us. Everyone looked at around and started thinking who it was going to be. I got some eye's at me but more a Saige.

"Alright, and our 2019 team captains are Saige and Ava." I looked at Mia and then felt her hug me. I can't believe I was voted. 

"Nice job Ava," Mia said and that's when we started to scrimmage and that's when I saw Zac sitting on the bleachers watching us. I need to text him later.


Hey guys, hope you like Chapter 7. Please vote, cause I am thinking about stopping writing this because I don't have any votes. Please, I am in need of votes and comments, also thanks for the 45 views. Luv you guys.


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