Chapter 3: Saige and Zac?

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"Who and what was that?" I asked.

"That's Zac Taylor. The quarterback for the football team and also the most popular person in our class." She said.

"Wow." Is all I said. He was cute. "Is he taken?" I asked.

"No, but Saige won't let him get with anyone else but her," Mia said.

"I thought you said he wasn't taken?" I confusingly asked.

"He's not. Saige just thinks that they are but really they are just friends." She answered as she took a bite of her apple.

"Oh," I said and grabbed a sandwich out of my brown paper bag. My mother likes to go 'old school' so she buys paper bags at the store. I didn't even think they still made those things.

"I have a question for you." She said. Before I could say yes she asked, "Do you think he's cute?" 

I was shocked she just asked that.  "I don't know, maybe, yes, no," I said.

"Do you or do you not?" She questioned.

"Yes, I do." I gave in.

"My twin is friends with him." She said.

"Wait, you have a twin! Why didn't you say that to me?" I asked. I think twins are cool. I didn't have twins in my class back in Maine but I just think they're cool.

"Oh, yeah. Surprise. Most people think it is weird that we're twins. We don't look anything alike." She answered. 

"I think twins are cool," I said. Mia looked at me weird then laughed.


~Zac's POV~

I walked into the lunch room with Jake, Liam, and Alex since we have 3rd period together. All of a sudden out of nowhere this cute girl bumps into me. 

"Are you ok?" I asked. She was turned facing the ground so I couldn't see who it was.

"Yeah, I'm fine." She replied as she got up off the ground. She looked confused and I've never seen her before.

"I'm Zac," I said with my kindest smile I could put on.

"I'm, um, um, Ava," She said nervously.

"That's a nice name, Ava," I commented. I'd never seen her before so I went with she was new. Her eyes were a beautiful brown and her hair looked silky. She had it in a ponytail and was wearing an Adidas shirt with some ripped jeans shorts. Her shoes were just Nike sneakers.

"Zac, let's go." Said Saige as she walked by. I can't talk to anyone who doesn't sit at our table at lunch.

"I'll be right there Saige," I called back as I rolled my eyes. "I have to go Ava?" I asked hoping to get her last name.

"Ava Grace," She added. It worked.

"See ya, Ava Grace," I said as I walked to our lunch table.

"Who was that?" Asked Liam.

"Ava, I think she's new," I added.

"I met her early. She is trying out for the soccer team." Added Saige as she put her hand on my thigh.

"So, that's not a bad thing," I said as I moved her hand off my thigh.

"Well, she better know that I am the captain so I am the best on the team." Saige rules.

"You where the team captain last year. Who knows, she could end up being captain and being the best on the team Saige." Said Ally.

Saige slapped the table and said, "That won't happen Ally. I won't let it." She said and left the table with Brooke and Ally. 

"Wow, Ally shouldn't have said that." Laughed Liam.

"Yeah, have fun with her later Zac," Jake added.

"Yeah, I am not hanging with her after what just happened." Said Alex. 

"Thanks, I am going to be stuck with Brooke, Ally, and Saige by myself. What the heck guys." I said. Brooke and Ally were fine it was just Saige who bothers me. I have told her many times we are just friends and that we will never date and she still tries to win me over. Last week she tried to hold my hand and I rejected it. I got up from the table as the bell rang. 

"I am going to try to find Ava and find out more about her," I said and left.

~Author's note~

Hey guys, I really want some more votes or comments. Hope you enjoy the next chapter of the book where Zac finds Ava. Tune in. Till next time. Enjoy :)

P.S. Some votes and comments, please :) Bye. ;)

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