Chapter 6: The Walk on The Beach

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^~Ava's outfit to the study session~^

"Hey, nice job today Grace. Looking forward to the team captain pick tomorrow?"  My coach asked me.

"A little. I don't think I'll get voted." I sighed.

"Don't be silly. The team loves you. Also, I was thinking of putting you as a middle striker for our first game on Friday." She said.

"Sure. I don't mind playing forward/striker at our game." I added.

I walked over to Mia who was talking to a girl on our team. 

"I was thinking, maybe we should go out around five as a team for team bonding." Said Mia. I was about to say that would be a good idea but I have a study session. 

"I think that's a good idea." Said the girl.

"What do you think Ava?" Mia asked me.

"I can't. I have something tonight." I said.

"Oh right." She said with a glare. 

"I have to go, because of the thing. See you, tomorrow girls." I said as I hugged Mia bye. Mia and I haven't hung out yet but are getting super tight. I pulled my phone out of my soccer bag and opened iMessage.

Ava: Hey, I just got done practice. Be home in like 15 so I'll probably be at your house by like 4:45ish to 5:00. 

Zac: That's fine. I am home so you can come over at any time. 

Ava: OK, see you then.

I locked my phone and put in my soccer bag and headed to my car. I grabbed my car keys out of my school bag and unlocked my car. I put all my bags in the trunk of my car and slide in the driver's seat and pulled out of the school's student parking lot and ventured back home.

When I got home I saw my Dad's car parked in the driveway. I got all my stuff out of the trunk when Justin pulled up in his car.

"Need help?" He asked as he grabbed my school bag.

"Yeah, thanks. Why are you home late?" I asked.

"I was with Saige." When he said that I dropped my bag and he looked at me. "What, is there a problem with that?" He started to get aggressive.

"No, just never mind," I said and picked up my soccer bag and opened the door.

"Hey, kids." My dad said from the couch.

"Hey, dad," We both said at the same time. I took my school bag that Justin left on the ground up to my room. 

I put down my bags on the ground by my door and hooked up my phone to the speaker I had. I turned on my "fav playlist" and thought about what I was going to wear.

I walked over to my closet and opened the door to it. It was a walk-in which I felt was pretty lucky.  I grabbed my number 36 crop top tank top and the light wash jean shorts. I also grabbed a knitted sweater cause it was getting a little cold out. Then I grabbed my gold chain necklace and my gold cuff bracelet and put it on. Finally, after putting on some make-up I grabbed my white high top Converse and put them on. I grabbed my social studies textbook and my laptop and headed downstairs. It was 4:45 so I headed out the door.

"Where are you going, Ava?" My mom asked. She was in the kitchen cooking dinner.

"I have a study session with someone that lives down the street," I say.

"Who is this person?" My dad asked as he entered the room.

"Just a guy named Zac," I said not trying to make it a huge deal.

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