Percabeth Oneshot (fluff)

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  Annabeth needed some time to think, so she went for a walk by the canoe lake. She was working on a architecture project, that was due soon. Aphrodite wanted nautical themed statues for her pool area, and the sculptors needed Annabeth's plans ASAP. The canoe lake always calmed her down, because it reminded her of her boyfriend- Percy. Speaking of Percy, she hadn't seen him all day. Just then, Annabeth was sprayed with water, and somebody yelled "Hey Wisegirl!" Annabeth blew her hair out of her face. "Percy, why are y-" Her jaw dropped. Percy was in the lake, (Per usual.) but he was a merman! "Oh my gods! What did you do?" She said, laughing at her boyfriend. He had a tail the same colour as his eyes. Sea green- Annabeth's favourite colour.

Annabeth walked over to the edge of the dock, and sat down, her feet in the water. Percy swam over. "Dad was testing out some kind of sea shape shifter thingy, and he asked if I wanted to be a merdude for a day!" Annabeth smirked. "It's Merman, Seaweed Brain." He shook his head. "Nope! I'm my own level of awesomeness. A merdude!" She rolled her eyes. I love my boyfriend. She thought, as he swam around in circles. "We should just be lucky that Hades didn't turn Nico into a zombie." She said. "Or you into an owl!" He added, laughing. Suddenly he pulled her into the water. "Percy!" She groaned, but still laughing. "What?" He said innocently, making the 'Baby Seal' face. She kissed him, and was suddenly struck with inspiration like one of Zeus's lightning bolts. She knew exactly what kind of statues she'd put by Aphrodite's pool. Surely, the Goddess of Love wouldn't mind shirtless merman- excuse me, merdude statues. 

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