work just keeps getting worse

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work, work, another day at work. it was still raining like yesterday, but less. that autumn. Jacob was on the table in the little break area you had and eating a burger he snatched for lunch while talking your ear off by a party he supposedly went to last night. A tiny smile on your lips on thinking at last night call. Red was an interesting fellow and your heart went out for him. poor guy sounded depressed and he probably was. you really hoped the venting session helped him, and by the tone of his voice, it did. he sound less and less grumpy the more he got out. it felt nice to talk and vent together. you haven't had a pleasant experience while being a lonely dialer you had in forever. other times just talking about a random movie, series or games. maybe vent a little. sometimes someone is just grumpy and irritated. some time its a teenager crying their eyes out over a break up. the reason they broke up is always something hysterical and funny. trying not to laugh is the hardest challenge at them.

Red ask if he could save each other's number and you gladly accepted. this wasn't the first time you had saved a number. on of your greatest text friend came once you tried to call someone that was apparently mute and the two of you were still texting. she got curious if you were a seller, but once you didn't call again she decided to send you a text. another person you saved was a sweet old lady that loved to talk to you. she lived twenty minutes away by car in an elders home. no more family left, the one she had never came to visit. so you made it your quest to meet her in person once every month. she was to sweet for her own good. However, Red was the first guy you had save. wait, was he a guy? Monsters takes gender really seriously.

You debated that thought while you headed back to work. They could be a woman with an extremely deep voice, or a trance. they didn't feel offended when you called them a he, so they had to be an he right? could monsters have voices that sounded similar to the opposite sex. you actually hoped they weren't a monster. racism were bad and you wasn't racist. Monsters deserved to be on the surface just as much as humans. they just... scared you. every single one was terrifying and looked like they would kill just by their stare. at least you had stopped overthinking if you had miss gendered him, and speaking of monsters. walking around the corner made you jump a little. the other cashier nervously gave the order to the costumer. it was the gruff skeleton from yesterday. Eyes lingering on you for a moment before the extroverted cashier spoke. "I haven't seen ye around these corners before mate. new in town" his eyes stared daggers at her. he just took a bite of his burger before heading out the door. going over and patting the cashiers shoulder before starting work again. you personally knew how terrifying that guy was.

Another slow day at work. not having a car made you walk to and room work. soft light from a supermarket made you realize you had to buy groceries. walking in an hoping the rain would die down until you came out again. bread, toilet paper, toothpaste and some instant noodles. not having your check yet made you only take the things you really needed. your diet being mainly take away made you not really need much at the store. thinking thorough what it all would cost made you realize you had enough to buy a packet of your favorite sweets. jolly skipping over to grab a packet before making your way to check out. only to bump into someone. looking up to apologize made everything stop for a moment. oh god why did you have to meet the skeleton here as well. he seemed ready to yell at you again, or worst case scenario, attack you. panicking made you quickly apologized before running away.

well, if you thought your last day was bad you could comfort yourself that it was better than this one. tiredly getting home and putting everything at place and heating up a piece of leftover pizza and collapsing on the couch, trying to calm your nerves. messing with a monster, even if it was a mistake, could lead to someone seriously getting hurt. nothing was interesting on tv and you felt yourself falling asleep until your phone buzzed. looking over made you jump of joy before answering. "Hi Red" this day just got a little bit better, especially when you could hear his attractive laughter on the other end... wait what?

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