Meeting day

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this is happening, this is happening, this is actually fucking happening. you stood in front of the mirror repeating the same sentence. you had just gotten out of the shower, a towel tucked around your body as you looked at yourself in the bathroom mirror. the week had gone fast unnaturally quick and right now you wished it could have gone a bit slower. beginning to get ready over two hour before you should heading out the door, knowing you would still have to rush out the door. Really going out didn't help you knowing what you should wear. was this an actual date? should you dress fancy, casual. god it would embarrassing either coming overdressed or under dressed for this first meeting.

Should you wear a dress? god you hope not, not having any nice dresses in your name and it being way to late going out and buy one now. maybe you should mix it out? something that would fit for both something fancy and something casual. going over and scanning you wardrobe left you in, after some try ons, a black skirt, black and white striped knee high socks a white shirt.. it was cute and could technically be excused for something fancy and something chill. quickly heading back into the bathroom to finished up. brushing and styling your hair in a way you seemed fit and putting the right amount of makeup seemed fit. after that just staring in the mirror. ' you can do this, I believe in you' Determined holding eye contact with the reflection. 'I know you have technically a hermit that only goes out to work and buying food with no social life, but you can do it!' With a determined nod you turned and heated toward the door. Jacket, keys, phone, shoes, bag and out you went ... halfway down the stairs you turn around because your wallet laid on the kitchen table.

the gates were cold with light snow laying across the streets. it was after the midday rush so it was cuiet. well as quiet a busy city could get. after standing outside the apartment and debating to just go back inside and in bed and just tel Red you caught a cold, you were finlay on you way. slowly and nervously making your way toward the statue at city center. shaking form more than just could as heart began pounding more and more with every step. *You can do this' you said to yourself. *I know you have been an hermit for the past years and the only social interaction you have are those random phone calls as a lonely dialer and you guess Jacob counts as well. guess that's why you had started calling yourself the lonely dialer

you could see the city center at the end of the streets, it was still some minuet away, but you could begin to see it. butterflies filled your stomach as you saw the statue you were supposed to meet Red at. Statue standing there big and proud. Subconsciously beginning to walking a bit faster even if the big clock over the statue said that you would be a bit early even if you would have kept you normal pace. Guess you could say that it was one of your magic abilities. The power to rush out the door thanks to taking to long to get ready, but still always have time to spear in the en. eyes began glancing over the people around the statue as you slowly crept round it. some business people in suits, some old lady feeding the birds and a group of teenager were seated around the statue. a slight frown forming on your face. had he stood you up, or was he just running late. Guessing he wouldn't come her in a group.

looking over the next corner made you freeze. it was the mean skeleton form work, leaning on a three not to long form the statue. 'What's he doing here!?' you thought, quickly turning you face from him so he wouldn't notice you. He was looking down at his phone, tapping his foot impatiently. 'of all the people who would be her today, why him!' chewing the inside of your mouth as you took another scan of the aria. no lonely guy were heading in sight, the only one heading by the statue and no one seemed to be looking for someone. dread formed as the clock moved past the agreed meeting time. the frantic foot taping of the skeleton not long behind you, which thankfully had not notice you, was the only thing you could hear in tact with the heart rapidly beating in your chest

The clock keeps ticking away. not knowing what Red looked like doesn't help either. multiple version of what he could look like had floated in your head since the day the two of you first lonely dialer conversation with him. wait a minute... taking your phone out and thinking through you options. you could always call and check with him, that wouldn't be weird. neither of you knew what the other would look like. biting your lip while unlocked the phone. thinking over this a few seconds more before pressing call. heart beating faster. "Hello?" you froze a bit. heart beating even faster than ever. you hear that hello behind you before it came over the phone. the nervous yet hopeful hello from Red, the person you had began to held so near. quickly turning around only to let out a shocked gasp. It was only the skeleton from work behind you, now talking in his phone instead of whatever he was doing. his eye shot up from the ground he was looking at as he heard your gasp before he could her it on the phone. both frozen in shock

"You?!" "YOU!?"


guess who got distracted, this girl

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