Chapter Two: All gone

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Dear Diary,

Today my mom passed away. Painlesly in her sleep she slipped into a coma and the doctors pulled her off of life support.

You would think without my mom I would be a wreck but weirdly enough, I'm not?

I have one thing and one thing only on my mind.

To complete step one.

Nationals is in two weeks and I have a solo.

And I know if I don't win, I will never be the same, because this is what she wanted this is what my mom put as her last wish for me.

And I must win, I must win for my mom.

I will win.

** The day of Nationals**

I walk in to the crowded competion, next to my bestfriend, Chloe Lukasiak.

Ever since the cameras left we have been becoming really close, and I wouldn't be who I am without her.

Fans scream our names relentlessly and we smile back and wave, causing fits of screams.

Once in the make-up room I get straight to work.

I check steps off of my mental checklist:

Make up ✔️

Hair ✔️

Stretched ✔️

Costume ✔️

Solos are being called, so I run to the wings.

Contestant number 10 is completing a turn sequence when I decide to run my dance, because I am next. And I need to win for my mom.

In my head I say my steps, Grandè Plié into an arebesque leap, Alá secondés to a Piroette to the floor. Roll. Slowly stand up and give emotion, hurdle, aerial. CRACK.

I fell to floor grasping my knee. I know I defiantly hurt it badly. Almost to the extant of no solo..

I slowly stand up and and limp to the wings.

Shaking out my legs, I see contestant 10 finish.

I'm next. And I am dancing.

Even if I hurt my self trying.

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