Chapter Nine: Bruises

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Maddie's POV:

It's been one week since my conversation with Chloe, and I haven't heard from Dalton or Chloe since, I've texted them both and yet no response. And oddly, I just cant stop thinking about it.

he's not going to ask you to home coming maddie

you're getting your self too worked up over this

he couldn't like you

The little annoying voice in my head kept repeating it over, and I'm not one to think like this, what is wrong with me? maybe i'm just hungry I mean i haven't had lunch yet.

I glumly stand and walk into the bathroom to view the full body mirror.
I look myself up and down, wishing I had Chloe's hair, or Brooke's eyes, or just something unique that wouldn't make me, well, me.

As I'm in the middle of my thoughts, Greg walks in the room absolutely fuming.

great job Maddie what did you do now

"So the principle called," he begins.

"And apparently not only did you set a Chemistry room on fire, but you declined all the calls to the house so I wouldn't find out! The nerve you have! You act like your fucking mother, lazy and pathetic."

As he talked he grew closer step by step, and as he stood facing over me, he spat in my face.

"No one could ever love you Maddie, not Kenzie, not your Mom, not me, not anyone. How could we, your hideous and those scars are humiliating to me,"

He really hit me hard right there, physically and emotional. After my mom died I began to self-harm, and no one knew except Greg, I hadn't told him but he saw them once and threatened to tell if I ever mentioned how he treats me. So I stay quiet.

"Greg, if you hit me one more time, I'm calling CPS,"

and with that he doesn't hit me, he punches me, square in the face, wearing rings.

"Get out. Now. Leave Maddie and don't come back,"

So I do, I take some clothes and my phone and I run out of the house in the pouring rain, I don't know where I'm going, but never will I go back there.

My face is burning as the cool droplets rain on the open cut, I know I'm defiantly bleeding and a lot at that.
As I'm walking I decide on where to go,
Chloe's house. I know she's ignoring me but it's kind of urgent.

As I see Chloe's house I start to feel extremely light headed, I see a figure outside playing basket-ball in the rain, and it must be Dalton, but honestly I don't care right now.

I stumble onto the side walk, my vision is clouding and I can't hear. Maybe I can get Dalton's attention?
I try saying his name but my mouth won't open, and my tongue feels like sand paper.

I stop moving a few houses away from the Lukasiak's, the world is spinning and I think I hear someone yelling my name but I can't be too sure.

I loose my footing, and suddenly everything goes black.

When I wake up I have no clue where I am, I try to open my eyelids but it feels as if bricks are piled on top of them, I try to talk but my mouth is glued shut. I can hear though, and I defiantly can feel my face, and it doesn't feel too good.

"-think she's gonna be okay? I've never dealt with this before Chloe, she still hasn't woken up its been a day. She looked bad I think someone hurt her, how fast can you get back here, I know you went camping but how far is that from here?"

What I now know is that I'm defiantly at the Lukasiak's, with just Dalton, not Chloe. Where is Chloe?

" A week? Should she stay here? - No I don't mind if she does-"

After many attempts of trying to talk I croak out a weak " Dalton ?" before sinking back into the bed with my eyes still closed.

"Oh my god, Chloe she's waking up, I'll call you in a while."

I hear growing foot steps and I feel the presence of someone above me.

"Hi- Maddie, are you alright?" Dalton's voice says from above me.

I slowly squint open my eyes and a rush of bright light fills over me and I feel very light headed again.

"Uh- yeah, just a little woozy." I say mumbling my words. "How bad is it"

"Is what?" Dalton asks slowly helping me to sit up, now I can see that I'm in Chloe's room on her bed.

"My face, I ran into a light pole in the rain, and I uhm, easily get light headed and yeah I guess I'm here now." I stutter.

Dalton's small smile turns into a straight line and his eyes fill with something, but I don't know what, I realize that I'm wearing a different shirt over my wet one, and it must be his, which I should probably thank him for.

"Maddie, what really happened, I know well enough that cut on your face is from a punch," He says clenching his jaw. "If it was someone from school just tell me, I'll take care of it trust me"

"No Dalton, it wasn't. It was my step dad, Greg. He just said some stuff about something personal and I reacted which caused him to... you know, and then I ran out in the rain to find Chloe but I ended up falling and now I'm magically in her room." I whisper.

"I carried you, you looked pretty bad Maddie, I was really scared. Does he normally do that? Please tell me, we could do something. And what did he say to you?"

Suddenly I can feel my cheeks blush a deep red, and I am embarrassed that Dalton carried me, I am very self-conscious and just the fact that I may be too heavy annoys me.

"He talked about my scars. Which I'm sure you've seen." I say a little too harsh.

Instead of responding he slowly stands me up, and rolls up my left sleeve, then my right sleeve, and steps back looking at what he's done.

"Am I some sort of joke or something because I don't find it funny." I mutter, gnawing on my lip.

He then grabs my chin and lifts it up so we are eye to eye.

"Actually, Madison Ziegler, I think you are beautiful, regardless of any scars or bruises."
yeah this was a serious but well asked for chapter, hope you enjoy and please leave a vote and comment! what do you think is going to happen?

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 16, 2015 ⏰

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