Meeting Keith

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Your POV

I felt so comfortable and was holding something very squishy and warm, I barely open my eyes to see myself snuggling lance who was now back to normal.

"HOW DID I GET MYSELF HERE" I Intentionally screamed in my thoughts, but that's when it hit me. Last night...

(Flashback to 'last night')

I barely open my eyes and fell on top of Lance, our faces were inches apart. Both of our noses barely touched each other, and the both of us were blushing.

"C-can you.... Can you get off me" a now flustered Lance said. I quickly got off and sat across from him. "S-sorry about that" I said as I rubbed the back of my head, not only that but tried to avoid eye contact with him.

"So where are the others" I asked, he perked up and leaned against the pod.

"They are all back to their rooms,"

"Hey L-lance I was woundering i-if umm... y-you know... if w-we could..." 

"If we could what"

"C-could be m-my... B-bo- I mean my Bestfriend, yeah that" I trailed off, he took a long pause.

"Okay?" He said awkwardly.

"WHY DO YOU HAVE TO ACT STUPID BRAIN" I scolded myself in my thoughts, if I said it out loud it would have been worse that it already is by now.

"I'll just tell him another time" I thought to myself. I curled up into a ball but little did I know, the air conditioning kick on leaving me cold on the already freezing floor. "Great" I thought. I closed my eyes as the cold breeze took away the warmth, I felt alone, but then I was welcomed by something warm wrapped around me.

I looked behind myself to see Lance who wrapped both his arms around me with a blanket, my body felt stiff and my cheeks were burning hot. 

"W-what are you doing"

"I'm keeping you warm you dummy" he giggled, I blushed even harder. 

(End of flashback)

Just as the memory flashed through I became a blushing mess, I couldn't believe what what happened. I couldn't move since I would easily wake him, but not only that but I felt like I was paralyzed.

My only options were stay till the team came and spot me laying with him or move and risk him waking up. "Why does all my opinions have to be complicated" I Intentionally yelled.

So I decided I should move and run out the room before he can even see me, I carefully removed my arms away from him and tried to move away, but to my surprise he grabbed my hand before I could stand up.

"Already leaving"

"Pfffft whaaaaat no I was just uh... going to the kitchen" I lied, I really wasn't going there.

I was really about to head to the training room in the castle, training always cleared my mind off things. But I was very desperate leave the room since I was a ticking time bomb, I would become a blush mess by how intense it was in the room. My feelings were messing with me, and I can barely contain myself, Lance has been on my mind since the day I met the team, he listened to me, took care of me, made me feel alive, and even showed me he cared about me.

"Do you need help finding it" he asked.

"N-no thanks I think I can find it" And with that I left the pod room to find the training deck, I felt relieved to leave.

But who knew humans could be cute and cuddly- WAIT WHAT AM I TALKING ABOUT.

Every time I see him he makes me nervous and shy, I never witnessed these kind of feelings when I was back with the Blade. Since most of the boys at the Blade weren't my type since they were always trying to impress me with anything they could, almost all the boys just wanted attention while some wanted to be on top.

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