A bump in the road

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Jake pov

J- shhh it's okay
I sat on the floor of the hallway holding Lilly as she cried
L- I did this to him..
J- no Lilly-
L- yes I did!
J- shhh stop it's alright
I sat talking with her until she was alright to go back and see Colby
When we went around the corner neither Colby or Sam were still in the bathroom, walking into Colby's room I could see Sam sitting on the couch as Colby was laying down in his bed, he was resting.
Sam stood up and held out his arms to Lilly, it took her a minute but she finally went over and hugged him. When she pulled away she went over to Colby's bed and reached her hand out to touch him but pulled back.
S- it's okay Lilly
Sam said with a gentle tone
I looked away from Lilly and back to Colby and found him opening his eyes. Slowly his arm came off of his chest and grabbed her hand making Lilly jump.
I patted Sam on the back and nodded out of the room. Once we were out of the room I shut the door and we headed back downstairs.

Colby pov

After Jake closed the door I saw the tears pour out of Lilly's eyes
C- shhh
I pulled her close enough to me that I could grab her other hand with mine and laid her on my chest.
I felt her fall onto me when her crying became audible. Her body laid on mine, with her face on my chest I felt the hot tears as they fell on me
A few hours passed down she's still in the same spot. She's been sleeping off and on, I think she's waking up now.
She sat up slowly then as I moved to a sitting position she sat on the bed in the circle I had made with my legs.
My hand went to the side of her face and she pressed into my hand closing her eyes
C- I can not express to you how sorry I am for wh-
L- Colby.. don't
C- no, what I said was horrible..a-and unforgivable, I- I
L- Colby
I stopped and calmed myself down before I got too worked up
L- I forgive you.
C- w-what?..
Lilly and I talked for over 2 hours though it didn't feel like it. But the conversation slowed down and suddenly She got quiet and seemed so detached for a few moments. I saw her chin quiver and Unable to look at me, her face dropped down
C- Lilly? What's going on?
I asked afraid I had done something
It took a few minutes but she finally looked up and brought her hands up to wipe her face off wit her sleeves
C- Jesus Lilly
I said grabbing her hands that were shaking vigorously
L- Co-Colby..
She sniffed
C- I'm right here, what's wrong Lilly
L- I..I umm almost did something.. really bad again..
She fell into my chest sobbing, catching her with both arms I pulled her into me and rocked her in my arms
L- I- I di-didn't do it Colby..
C- Lilly show me your arms please
My heart was racing.. she hasn't done this since Kansas and she promised me she would never do it again
She pulled away from me frantically pulling her sleeves up and shoving her arms towards me, palms up.
L- see.. see, I didn't
She spit out fast
My heavy breathing slowed down a bit but when I tried breathing in again there was a brutal stabbing pain my by chest
C- aghh!
I wrapped my arms around myself and fell over yelling in agonizing pain

Lilly pov

His heavy breathing turned into wheezing and coughing
I was screaming for help
It took less then a few seconds for Corey Jake and Sam to come crashing into Colby's room
L- he can't breathe!
I sobbed out loudly
S- Colby? COLBY!
Sam yelled as he got closer
J- Corey! Call 911!

At the hospital- 1:59 a.m.

Sam pov

Lilly and I have been waiting for about an hour now. We rode in the ambulance here with Colby, Jake had to drive here but was stuck in traffic, he should be here in a few minutes.
Dr- Sam? Lilly?
I looked up and saw Dr. Hoff walking towards us. Lilly got up and I followed her
S- is he okay?
Dr- he's comfortable and doing much better
L- what happened?..
Dr- we think that from what you told us about the vomiting and coughing, it created so much tension in his stomach and chest muscles it triggered massive spasms, and the swelling just added to the pain
L- but he's okay?..
Dr- yes, we gave him some meds for the pain, so he's still pretty drowsy, you are welcome to go see him though
S- thank you
He gave us a room number and I followed Lilly down the hall

Colby pov

When I woke up it was too bright to open my eyes. I tried to sit up but felt a hand keeping me down, I was too weak to push back so I gave up
L- it's okay Colby, Jake and Sam are outside with the doctor, I'm here
I groaned scrunching my face up as I tried to readjust myself
C- mm.. it feels like I got hit by a bus
L- I know.. I'm sorry
I felt her hand move from my arm to the side of my face
I opened my eyes, waited a few seconds for them to adjust to the light then they found Lilly's face. Her eyes still red and puffy from earlier.
The door opened making me jump when Sam and Jake came in the room followed by Dr. Hoff.
Dr- Mr. Brock, how are we feeling?
C- I just want to go home... please

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