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2 weeks later

Lilly POV

The night terrors are back and worse then ever. We now have a pretty good system when he gets like this, if it's bad enough to the point I can get, hell use my inhaler and we'll get some water before taking a walk, wether it's just walking laps downstairs or going out and talking a walk. Sometimes it's hard because he's still not really 100% healed but He doesn't push himself not much and I always make sure to let Sam or Jake know in case something happens.  we bring the weed too sometimes if the inhaler wasn't enough but we always have to talk about whatever it was that got him to that point before we can go back to bed.
Talking helps, I think therapy was just too much at once for him and he just couldn't explain his feelings to someone who doesn't know the pain.
I like when he talks to me, literally about anything. I like hearing his voice, knowing what's going on in that brain of his.
Ever since I was 14 he's been there, him Sam and Jake all took care of me, especially after being hospitalized. I put them through so much and they never gave up. Cole Robert Brock has been my saving grace, for as long as I can remember.
It genuinely breaks me seeing him like this.
I've gotten so used to listening for him in my sleep I've become a very light sleeper, causing me to sit up when I heard my phone ringing. I crawled over Colby and walked to the desk where our phones where charging.
Without looking who was calling at 4a.m. I picked it up.
L- hello?
"Hello this is Cindy with Cal-Med, emergency room, is this Lilly Devero?"
L- yes.. what's this about?
"You were listed as one of Brennen Taylor's emergency contacts, I'm very sorry to inform you he was involved in an accident early this morning"
I fell silent...
L- w- what?..
"It's pretty bad I'm afraid, We've already called his mother and you were the only other number to notify. I'm so sorry"
I hung up the call and falling to my knees let out a loud cry feeling like all the air just got knocked out of me
Colby was up in a heart beat and standing behind me
C- what is it? What's wrong!?
While trying not to hyperventilate I was able to force out a few random words
L- Brennan... h-hospital... I- I need to go...
C- woah, hey look at me! Slow down your going to start hyperventilating okay.. where your inhaler?
He was right, I started hyperventilating.  Unable to talk I pointed to the best side table.
He looked in it then opened the drawer and pulled out, in his way beck to me he started shaking it up and took the cap off.
C- here
After handing it to me he knelt down and put his hand to my back slowly rubbing circles
After 3 puffs from the inhaler I slowly found myself catching my breath and fell back into Colby from exhaustion.

Colby POV

I brought lily to the bed and sat her down after she fell into me
C- what the hell is going on?
She took a few minutes explaining in botched sentences, but from what I gathered Bremen's was hurt and at the hospital.
L- w-we need t-to go n-now...
C- shhh
I pulled her shaking body into me and rubbed the back of her neck
C- get some clothes on okay I'll be right back
Even though I was trying to act calm and collected Brennan is basing brother, I need to tell the guys and we need to go.
After throwing a shirt and shoes on I ran downstairs to find Sam and Jake in the kitchen with Corey.
C- Brennan was just in a car wreck.. it's bad, Lille and I are heading the the hospital now
Almost as if she heard her name Lilly was behind me and clung to my arm

At the hospital

Brennen POV

It's dark..
I..I can't open my eyes
Through the dead silence I can hear a faint beeping noise..
It sounds like the machine I heard in the hospital the night of Lilly's attempt
Oh god..
I can't move..
Ughh my head is killing me
W-what happened?...
I remember I was driving home from hanging out with my sister.. driving interstate.. I remember hearing people honking.. there was metal crunching and I.. I don't remember anything after that except, her...

Colby POV

Sam drove Kat Lilly Jake and me to the hospital and he barely put the car in park before Lilly was up and out of the car running for the entrance of the hospital. I got out chasing after her and when everyone else got inside we tried finding someone to tell us what was going on.
~ time skip
We met up with Brennan's mom and she just brought Lilly back to see him. We can only go one at a time. I asked to see the doctor and I'm waiting for dr. Sharp, she is the one who assed both Brennan and whoever the other driver was when they first came in.
Dr.- I'm looking for Colby?..
I stood up and made my way across the weighting room
C- ya My friends and I are here for Brennon Taylor.. I'm I was hoping you could tell me what's going on..

Lily POV

Walking into Brennon's room I could see his eyes were still closed and he had an intubation tube coming from his mouth.
His mom told me the left side of his body had been crushed and there was a lot of internal injuries. It didn't look good.
I pulled one of the chairs close to the right side of his bed and grabbing his hand, held it tight.
L- I.. I uh, don't know if you can hear me buddy... but you gotta wake up okay?..
My head fell into my other hand as I couldn't control my cries.
L- Brennon.. I need you, okay? So you have to fight this alright... come back to me..
After nearly an hour I heard a light knock at the door.
When it opened Colby stood in the doorway, but I could seem to look away from Brennon though.
C- babe..
There was a pause
After he called me the third time my glazed and puffy eyes looked to him.
C- are you alright?
At first I nodded my head, but my chin trembled and my vision blurred with tears as my nodding yes became a trembling no.

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