You Are Driving Me Nuts | Larina

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Everybody is the same. We all walk, talk, and think alike. We all cry the same tears at night. We all have dreams and fears. But occasionally,  there are those special few that are different. Truly different.

But before I can elaborate who I am actually talking about. I need to start from the beginning. It all started just one normal day. Well... it actually was more a shitty day at that point. I'll just... show you.

"Ok ok ok ok.. keys, toast, phone, purse, board... I think that's it." I quickly go through my list verbally and make sure everything is sound in there places. I bolt out the door and down the metal stairs to the sidewalk, where I run and place my longboard down on the sidewalk. I am eating a piece of toast while riding a longboard down the sidewalks of a suburban town in Cali.

I was already late to begin with, so I was trying to go faster than usual during my ride to try and hopefully make it to work on time.

I somehow got my wireless Bluetooth earbuds into my ears. Playing my favourite type of music. Soothing electric guitar based. Cigarettes After Sex and Peach Pit to give you a couple examples.

I quickly finish my toast while turning the final corner before work. I am the manager and owner of a small local coffee shop. I needed to open this morning, and of course I forgot to get there early.

I slow down enough to stop. Picking up my board, I walk in the back. And employee beat me here this morning. Dammit.

"I'm so sorry." I take out my earbuds and lean my board behind the counter for a second while I approach Florence, my best friend and one of the employees, and apologize profusely.

"You're only 20 minutes late. It's no big deal Lizzy." She looks up and gives me a sincere look.

"Okay.. I slept through my alarm. And then I spilled milk all over my front, so I had to change. It's just been a rough morning, Flo." She stops cleaning the tables and stands up straight, making eye contact.

"I understand. It happens. Don't worry! It's not the end of the world. Just don't let the manager find out, she'll definitely fire you on the spot." I immediately crack up at her joke. She certainly knows how to lighten the mood. I run my fingers through my long dark brown curly hair as I turn around to properly put away my board in my office.

"We open in 10 minutes!" I yell. Flo gives me a verbal response back. I close the door to my office and start my work on the paperwork that needs done.

I connect my phone to the speakers mounted in the corners of the room and keep it at a decent volume. Those speakers are also connected to the ones out there. So they listen to what I listen to.

I find myself flying through the paperwork. Within about a four hour session, I have almost all the paperwork done. Just before I finish, there is a knock at my door.

"Yes?" I answer politely. The door opens and another one of my employees walks in.

"Uh, Elizebeth.. there is an angry customer wanting to talk to you.." I internally roll my eyes as I prepare myself for the bitchiness of another entitled customer.

"I'm sorry Ma'am. But that possible can't be the manager. She's wearing shorts that are way to short and her shirt doesn't support an appropriate group." I look down at my AC/DC shirt, cutoff shorts, and red flannel around my waist. "I would prefer to speak to the owner instead."

I smile at the young women. She just gives me a snarky look back.

"Ma'am, I am the manager and the owner of this fine Establishment. Now would you like my help or not?" I say with a slight sassy tone. Her face slightly pales before going off about her problem.

"I came up here to try and return my scone. And this girl won't let me!" I roll my eyes internally again as I step in front of the female employee.

"As you can see right here," I point to the sign below the register, "we do not do refunds." I see her face start to turn visible red at this point.

"You can make an exception can't you? My daughter didn't like this scone, she wants a piece of cake instead"

"You can just buy a piece of cake then." I cross my arms at this point.

"But she barely even ate this one!" She shows me the almost half eaten scone. "You must give me a full refun..." She is interrupted by a voice that is definitely unknown to me.

"Ma'am. Please just shut up. They won't give you a refund. So either by the piece of cake or walk away. You are driving me nuts." The mother and her daughter look very distraught at this intervention. The four of us look over to see a dark haired women standing in skinny jeans and a T-shirt. The mother and daughter stare at her for way too long, but eventually turn around and head out the door.

I stand and stare at this lovely young woman. She is about 5"4' Maybe, about shoulder length black hair, and beautiful brown eyes.

"Thank you... I have to deal with entitled customers more often that you would expect. That was something she needed to hear for once." The woman walks up to the counter and chuckles.

"No problem." her accent is decently thick, but not to much for it to be hard to understand. I find it quite soothing actually. "I'm usually a pretty reserved person, but people like that get in my nerves so much." I find her so intriguing, so I further the conversation.

"I'm Elizabeth, or Lizzy. Or Liz, or whatever you prefer." I offer my hand almost hesitantly. Thankfully she accepts it without a change in the mood.

"I'm Marina."

Marina. What a beautiful name.

Her smile is even better than I imagined. I find myself blush and smile wider. My stomach starts to do flips as soon as we touch. "It's nice to meet you, Lizzy." I see something in her eyes I can't place, so I just put my now free hands in my back pocket.

"Let me get you some coffee, on the house." I motion to the setup behind me. She nods and steps up to the counter. I go to make it, when I realize I have no idea what she likes.

"Um.. what would you li.."

"Just whatever you have available, with two espresso shots.." I smile and nod before getting her drink together.

"Thank you so much, Elizabeth." I smile back at her.

"My pleasure." She takes the drink and proceeds to walk gracefully out of the shop. I notice the way her hips move and how her hand takes hold of the handle.

I shake my head and suck back into my office. I take a seat in my chair and get back to work, trying to get the beautiful foreign Marina out of my head.


I'm so impatient. But I think you lovely readers deserves this, 5 days early!!!!

Ok, so I'm also thinking about posting twice a week, maybe three. Not every other day like Ultraviolence and Simplify sadly. At least I think I did that😂. Anyway. I hope you enjoyed the first chapter of YADMN!!! Please vote and comment anything. Constructive criticism is welcomes big time💖

Love You!!

You Are Driving Me Nuts | LarinaWhere stories live. Discover now