Chapter 10

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"I'm a princess"

"Wait.. what?" Marina looks like she wants to crawl into a hole and never come back out. "Seriously?"

She nods.

"Ok... so like your parents are the king and queen and all that? Of the small island you're from?" She nods again. I sit up straight and run a hand through my hair.

"Holy shit... this is crazy.." I look at Marina and see her start to freak out internally. "I'm a good way! Don't worry.." she calms down after I reassure her.

"And you want me to meet them..? Next week?" She continues to nod-answer my questions. I'm assuming she is still nervous and can't speak.

"Ok. Ok. I'm glad you told me, babe." I smile softly and kiss her. I feel the relief in her lips and tears are now falling down her face.

"Do you look at me different now?" She lets out a sob against my lips. It kills me seeing her hurt.

"No. You are still my wonderful, kind, passionate Marina.." I bring her into my lap and cradle her head in my neck. She reaches up and then grabs the collar of my shirt and brings me into sudden kiss.

I can tell right away this was meant to go further. And I do want to stop it. She wraps her hands around my neck and leans against me, causing me to fall onto my back on the couch. Marina immediately sits up as soon as my back hits the couch.

"Sorry.." she puts her hands to her face. "I literally just told you I was loaded and am royalty. Even though it's on the lower end of the world spectrum of royalty-" I lean up and kiss her. She needs to know I don't care, as long as she is happy and herself.

"I don't care where you came from, or how much money you have. All I care about it your happiness. And if that includes me, then thank God." I kiss her neck before continuing my speech.

"But the most important thing I can say to you now, is that.." I bite me lip. "It's that I love you..." I look up at Marina to see her silently crying with the biggest smile on her face.

"I love you too, Lana." She grabs my face and kisses me. "My sweet Lana.." she kisses me harder. I place my hands on her hips. Less than a minute later, she starts to grind her hips against mine.

"Mmmh.." I can't help but moan. Marina stops everything as soon as she hears it.

"Don't stop... I like it..." She looks at me with a relieved expressions before speaking.

"Um... can you.. maybe be on top... I haven't exactly done this before..." I rest my forehead on hers and laugh lightly.

"Of course, babe." I take a deep breath before I pick her up and continue to carry her to my room. She squeals as I set her down gently on the bed.

"Ok.. Marina. Please tell me if you aren't comfortable with anything... I don't want to force this on you.." she looks up at me with kind eyes.

"I'm pretty sure I'm just gonna feel good... but I will.." she leans up to kiss me. I happily kiss her back. I've made it between her legs, her fully clothed legs still. I sit up and take my top off. Her eyes widen like an innocent child.

"Have you never seen a woman naked other than yourself before?" she shyly nods her head. I just lean down and kiss her pretty princess lips. "Are you ok with just exploring our bodies? If you still want to do it, we can.." She sits up and brings her knees to her chest.

"That would be nice.. I don't know why I'm so shy all of a sudden.. We were just about to do it.." I smile at her.

"Don't worry, Mar. Do you want me to start?" She nods again. So I get on my knees and let her look at me in a bra and jeans. She looks me over with hesitant eyes.

"Like what you see?" I say with a playful tone. She blushes and nods her head again. "Are you comfortable with me continuing?" she just smiles.

"Yeah.. and go at your own pace. Don't stop for me, please.." I nod my head.

"Okay." I reach around and slowly undo my bra. I keep my eyes on Marina the entire time. Her eyes are glowing in curiosity as it finally falls off my body. She starts to get comfortable and lower her legs. As well and sitting on her knees. I can clearly tell she wants to touch me. The nerves are there. So I gently take her hand in mine, guiding it to my bare chest.

"Do you want to touch me?" She bites her lip and closes her eyes before nodding. I use that to finally finish the journey. She immediately opens her eyes and looks at the bare breast she is touching. She looks up towards my eyes and smiles. She takes her hand away and takes off her shirt. That's when I see she didn't have a bra on, and so does she. I can see the embarrassment on her face. But she smiles through it.

"Please touch me, Elizabeth. I need you. Now." I smile widely before kissing her neck slowly. I work my way down till I reach on of her breasts. I take a nipple in my mouth, immediately earning an unexpected moan from Marina. I take her face in my hands and kiss her passionately.

"Don't hold back.. I never want you to hold back my Princess." she smiles like an idiot and uses her weight to help us fall on her back.

"I'm ready."


Sorry I'm posting so late. Orange Is The New Black has got me hooked. 3 seasons in four days. 

Anyway, Thank you so much for reading!! Please vote and comment anything!

Love You!!!


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