Chapter 9

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The drive home is quick. But what I find when I get home is nothing I would have expected. I look up by my door and see a small figure sitting down against the door...

I quickly arrange my keys in my hands so I can use them as a weapon if needed. I exit my car and slowly make my way to the stairs that lead up to my apartment. The shadow looks over towards me before quickly standing up.

"It's me.." I hear a women whisper. "Marina..." I immediately feel myself calm down. I walk the rest of the way up and bring her into a hug and cradle her head in my neck.

"Is everything ok?" She takes a deep, shaky breath and shakes her head.

"No..." she barely gets the word out before balling into my chest. I don't want her crying in the cold, so I pick her up. She immediately wraps her legs around my waist and I unlock the door and walk inside. I carefully place her in the couch and bring her back into my chest.

"Do you wanna talk about it?" I slowly pet her head and continue to cradle her.

"Uh..." she leans back a little and looks up at me. She wipes the tears off her face and tries to smile. But it disappears quickly.

"Um.." she wipes another tear with the palm of her hand. "My... my brother died.." she almost doesn't make it through without balling even harder. I bring her into my chest and comfort her the best I can. I've never lost a sibling, so this is all I know how to do.

"Just let it out.. its ok.." I continue to cradle her. She just lets out all her tears. I can't imagine what it's like to lose someone that close to you. Especially her own brother.

"Was he your older or younger brother?" Marina reluctantly looks up at me. Her eyes all red and puffy.

"Older. He care from my dad's previous marriage. But he still was more of a father figure than mine ever was.." she has somehow composed herself and is sitting up.

"How much older was he?" She sniffs and makes eye contact with me. A sweet smile now on her face.

"11 years." She grabs a tissue from the coffee table and cleans her face. "But I would like to ask you something.."

"Of course, baby.." I place my hands on top of hers.

"The funeral is next week... and I would like for you to come with me.." I feel myself blink a couple times before what she has asked me has sunk in.

"You want me to meet your family?" She nods her head and looks down.

"I know it may be too early... but I just felt that this was a good opportu-" I don't let her finish. I bring her close and kiss her hard. After a minute and when I finally let her go, she looks at me, starry eyed.

"So is that a yes?" I just enthusiastically shake my head.

"Yes, yes, yes YES! I would love too!" I see Marina visible relax and give me a small smile.

"So... I would like to get there as soon as possible really... would you be ok with leaving in maybe two days?" I nod immediately.

"Absolutely. I can tell Florence and we can be on our way." She giggled quietly. I feel my heart grow so big at her feeling a bit better. "Feel better?"

"A little bit. Thank you, Lana..." she falls into my arms and curls into my chest.

"Is that my new name?" I feel her laugh lightly into my chest.

"Yep. And I won't stop." Laugh and lean down to kiss the top of her head. Her shoulder length black hair covering her face. I just continue to admire the amazing women in my arms. How the last 2 months have been absolutely amazing.

"Hey Lana?"

"Yeah?" She sits up and looks at me with another worried expression.

"There's something else you need to know about me and my family..." she starts messing with her fingers and takes a deep breath.

"Yeah?" I see her shaking. It hurts me seeing her this nervous to open up. "It's ok.." I place a hand on hers.

"Ok.. well um... so my parents come from a more... privileged heritage... and they did pass that to me, Lafina, my sister, and Kendric.... my brother..." She takes a deep breath after saying her brothers name. But she keeps going anyway.

"Basically I come from money..." she doesn't keep going, she stops.

"I do too... I don't really care about that. You can't help how you were raised.." she looks up at me, but with a scary determination in her eyes.

"You don't quite understand..." She softens again after she says that.

"Then help me... I want to." She nods once and takes another deep breath.

"I come from money... but that money has been passed down from many generations..."

Ok... I'm assuming there's still more?" She nods again. She regains the eye contact that has been fluent in its appearance the last couple minutes.

"Yeah... that's not the biggest part. Other than the fact that I come from privilege and way too much money... I um... I guess you could say... um... there's no way to say it other than just as it is."

"And that is..?" I see myself getting really nervous that she is in some serious shit. But that wouldn't make sense...

"I'm a princess"

Finally! Now the plot is moving. I'm so excited!

Also, Fuck it, I Love You and The Greatest are AMAZING. JUST OVER A WEEK TILL THE REST OF NFR

please consider commenting and voting! Even after this authors note that can't keep on one topic😂

Love You!!!

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