Chapter 11

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"I'm just gonna run in and make sure Florence is okay.." I lean over and kiss Marina. She just smiles and nods.

"I don't mind. Just bring me out one of your amazing cinnamon rolls as a peace offering." I dramatically roll my eyes.

"Of course." I get out of the car and enter the coffee shop. It's decently full, but nothing my staff and Flo can't handle.

"Lizzy! You couldn't help making on last stop huh?" I smile and shake my head. She gives me a quick hug before I head back into the kitchen and Flo trails behind.

"She wants a cinnamon roll." Florence smiles wide.

"Of course she does. I swear she eats more than both of us combined. How does she keep her frame." I close the to-go box.

"I have a couple ideas..." Florence looks at me a second before her face lights up and she hits my arm.

"You did it." I smile and shrug. She shakes me with her hand on my shoulder, "that's huge! When!" I says to blush myself at her question.

"After dinner with you and Isa a couple weeks ago. She really opened up, and then basically pounced on my. I obviously was ok with it. Let's just say I've never heard quite the frequency I heard that night.." Florence hits my arms again.

"She's a squealer! That must be entertaining!" I shrug as I lean against the counter. "You also mentioned she opened up? About what?" I give her a look. She takes it correctly.

"Later then?" She smiles. I nod to her question.

"After we get back. I just want the okay from her. Just to be respectful. She basically had a breakdown telling me, so yeah.." Florence places a hand in my arms before bringing me into a hug.

"Come over for dinner, the both of you, whenever you get back." I nod into her neck.

"Absolutely." We say our goodbyes and I head back to the car. I return to my dear Marina with a cinnamon roll in hand and my excitement running through my veins.

"You always take forever when it involves Florence." She happily takes the cinnamon roll from my lap as I back up and get back into the main road to the airport.

"So," Marina starts off with food in her mouth. "We're flying to New York. From there we'll get on a private jet that will head to the island." She finishes chewing when she's done talking. I just nod. She really isn't joking about being rich.. The coming day flies by, and the next thing I know is that we are on her private jet heading to her home.

"I don't know if I've mentioned it before... but my parents are very homophobic... we can only say that we are friends... and don't say anything unless you are asked to around my parents. Let me do all the talking." I place my hand on her and nod.

"Thank you for taking care of me, Marina... this is already intimidated and I'm nervous as hell. So I'll be glad to just follow your lead." She smiles and leans forward to give me a kiss.

"I love you.." she whispers into my ear with a sultry tone.

"I love you more.." I bite her ear after I say it back. She lets out a low and quiet moan. I can tell she wants to, but we are basically in public.

"I'll take you tonight, my love." I smirk against her cheek. I see her visibly blush when we both lean back into our seats. I decide to take further my chances and wink at her. She smiles, clearly embarrassed. She looks down to her hands to try and hide it.

I sit still, feeling accomplished. So I make a move and sit next to her. I take out my earbuds and phone. She knows what I'm about to do, so she takes on as I get some music going.

"I like this song.." she rest her head on my shoulders and closes her eyes. I take her hand in mine as I feel her start to fall asleep.

"Cause this is where I wanna be, Where it's so sweet And heavenly..." the calm guitar and vocals soothe any remaining nerves about this trip. I lay my head on Marina's and close my eyes, concentrating on the lyrics to the sensual song.

"Your Royal Highness.. we have landed..." I hear the butler say. Marina stirs and I along with her fully.

"We're here!" She is suddenly sitting up all the way, causing my head to fall. "Oh! I'm sorry Lana.." I just smile.

"Don't worry. I love seeing you excited." She smiles wider and looks out the window. The view over the ocean is absolutely breathtaking.

"This view is beautiful.." I voice my thoughts in aw. She quickly and girlishly kisses my cheek before standing up and heading to the front of the plane. I quickly tow behind her.

"Our luggage will meet us there." She grabs my hand and we basically run to the car that is sitting in the landing zone. The Chauffeur opens the door for us and Marina basically drags me in.

"Ok.. remember.." Marina gets real close to my ear and starts to slightly nibble. "We are just friends when you meet my family." She continues to kiss behind my ear. "But the staff is ok... they won't say anything.." I look over at her and kiss her hard. Her hands immediately tangle in my hair.

"I would suggest you not do that in front of your family, Your Royal Highness." We break away from each other and look at the guard. He has a sweet smile on his face.

"He doesn't care. That's why he's amazing." I kiss Marina on the cheek before we start to laugh, even the chauffeur starts to chuckle.

Hopefully this entire trip goes as planned.

I need to post earlier... I'm sorry..

Anyway! Please consider voting and commenting. I love reading all your comments!

Also, I attached the song mentioned above. Cigarettes After Sex released this song yesterday and HOLY SHIT AHHHHH. Anyway...

Love You!!!

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