I'm okay, love

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Hello and welcome to my bookshelf. Not literally of course. You'd get lost in there. I mean my imaginative bookshelf. First things first, this is my first story on the crumblesofbran account, since my other account got deleted. This first one-shot was originally made on Tumblr, by me and here's the notice that goes with it:
Ooo. First post. There are MINOR Spider-man FFH spoilers in here, like minor minor so if you haven't seen it, you be the judge on whether you want to scroll past. I just watched Spider-man FFH (SO good.) and this was what I'm imagining in my little head rn. This is set after Zendaya went and saw Spider-man FFH in Paris. Okay, enjoy! Let me know if you like it:) I'll definitely make more.

It goes without saying that if you like this one-shot, please tell me! I can't make more if I don't think people like them! :) Also, voting and commenting would make my day, so bless your hearts if you do so! Requests are always welcome. Seriously, my imaginative brain may be big, but it's not THAT big. This is gonna be a short one-shot for now, but.. lemme know if you like it! The song that is featured in this story is up above. I think it goes really well with the vibe of this story, and it's a good oldie, so if you want, give it a listen:)
   Going to Spider-man Far From Home was probably not the best thing to do when Zendaya was already feeling emotional. But, she decided to push through it. Shocker, seeing your boyfriend in pain doesn't make you any less emotional. So here she was, driving through London, late at night, just trying to find a way to get to her boyfriend so that he could prove that he wasn't in pain. She didn't usually feel THIS bad but this time it was worse. She had cried three times already in the 15 minutes it had taken from her flight to the road she was on right now. Not exactly the strong and bold Zendaya type today.

Her car pulled up the lane and stopped abruptly by a house. She locked the car, ran up the stairs and rapidly knocked. Tom opened the door and stared at her. At first she wondered why, as it wasn't usually a surprise for her to be in his house. I mean, she even had a key. She was beginning to wonder why she hadn't used it.

"Darling? I didn't think you would have had time to visit me this early in the month, why are you here?" He said, quite surprised. Oh yes.
She thought. That's why. I'm literally supposed to be in Paris, and not going to be back for another two weeks. I must have really been under some emotions to fly all the way out here. That was an understatement.

She shifted her body back and forth, waiting for him to invite her in or something, because she had just realized that it was London and it was rainy and it was cold and she didn't have a umbrella.

"Actually, first of all, let's get you inside with an apple cider, love. I know you like those," he said, warming up a mug filled with the apple cider he always kept in his cabinets especially for her.

"Now, can you explain to me why you're shaken up on my doorstep at 8:30 pm when you're supposed to be in Paris?"

He handed the mug to Zendaya, who took it, and set it down on the little table Tom kept by his door.

Her head was screaming and she just wanted to be in her boyfriend's warm embrace but first she had to explain. Preferably without crying.

"I watched it. Like real deal in a movie theatre watched it. And it was probably a bad idea, because i'm really really emotional right now but I couldn't help it, I just wanted to see it and-."

Tom shifted five feet ahead of him, to the point where he was arms length in front of Zendaya and squeezed her shoulder.

"Wait, love, slow down. I'm guessing you're talking about OUR movie?"

Yes, OUR movie. The one that has probably endangered my mental health for life, even though I knew everything that happened in it.

"Yeah, it was our movie and I just couldn't help it, I wanted to see it and when I saw you in pain, I just couldn't help it. I needed to see you. I'm a ball of emotions right now."

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