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Dani's pov:

I wake up completely unprepared for another day of hell.

Aka school.

Now before you all "shfnekwkandjffmskskworoeka" SHHH.

You see, I have no friends. None. Zero. Nill. Zip. Zilch.

I'm just another face in the crowd. I've had friends before but they basically all just stabbed me in the back, moved, or left me because I'm a complete geek.

Well anyway, after I take my shower and shit I get dressed. I don't really care how I look so I just throw on a black t-shirt, tie my black and white flannel around my waist, and black skinny jeans. I grab some random socks and put those on as well. I put on my normal makeup and deciding not to take the time to do my hair I throw it into a messy bun and run down the stairs.

"Ready for your first day back from winter break?" my mum smiles sitting at the table with my dad and eating breakfast.

"No," I sigh, opening the cupboard to get a bowl. I pour some lucky charms into the bowl and add the milk. I usually don't eat breakfast because I don't have enough time, but I'm hungry af. While I eat the cereal my parents start talking again.

"Try to make some friends today sweetheart," my dad says.

It's the same thing every morning. Them telling me to make friends, me coming home alone.

"Yeah, sure," I roll my eyes. "Like that will ever happen," I mumble to myself.

Oh shit its 7:37 the bus comes in 3 minutes. Definitely should not have taken the time to eat breakfast.

I run up the stairs and quickly brush my teeth and then run down the stairs and throw on my black combat boots. I grab my bag and run out the door.


I sprint to the bus stop and get there right on time.

I hop on the bus and sit down in the only empty seat by myself and start scrolling through Twitter on my phone.

Oh, I forgot, I'm 17 and a junior in high school, although some people mistaken me for 14. I have brown hair and brown eyes. I'm addicted to Pokémon, YouTubers, bands, and like to play video games all the time. Okay, that's basically everything you need to know. Oh and I love food, mainly Taco Bell and pizza.

The bus pulls up to the school and we all get off. Everybody herds into the school. Literally, it's like a herd. I eventually get to my locker after trying not to flip people off for being so slow and start gathering my things.

I walk through the hallway looking at the ground not exactly paying attention to my surroundings and before you know it I'm on my ass with my books and binders everywhere.

"Shit, shit, shit," I groan starting to pick things up.

"I'm so sorry I didn't see you there," a male voice says. I look up and see Michael Clifford. He went to my middle school (or whatever it's called in Australia), but I haven't talked to him before.

"Yeah nobody ever sees me," I mutter.

"What?" he asks confused.

"Nothing, nothing," I reply.

"Hey, I haven't seen you around before. Are you new?"

"Oh um no, I'm not. I'm just really good at not being noticed," oh great job Dani you probably just made this more awkward than it should've been.

"Oh, um, well I'm Michael," he says awkwardly handing me some of my things.

"T-thanks. I'm Dani," I stutter. "I have to get to French now, my teacher is kind of a twat."

"Oh yeah I get it," he laughs. "Maybe we could talk more sometime?"

"Yeah, m-maybe," I crack a smile.

"Bye, Dani."

"Bye, Michael."

Holy shit I just talked to a person other than my parents.

A wild smile appeared.


So how'd y'all like it?

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What Dani looks like on the side.

~Jolie <3

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