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Dani's pov:

It's been two weeks since I've had detention. Michael still won't stop annoying me, and it makes me want to punch him...or kick him in the balls. Either one.

Emma and I haven't talked that much, but when we do she's pretty nice I guess.

Also, Jace is in jail with Ty. There goes my brother. Just like that.

I've been really upset lately because of all of this and have pretended to be sick a couple days in order to miss school. School is horrible nowadays, you just get bullied and misunderstood.

I'm currently in geometry on a Friday. The teacher, Mrs. Smith the same one that gave us detention, assigned us seats because she sucks ass. I have to sit by Michael permanently now. He keeps trying to talk to me and get my number because he claims that I'm moody and need somebody to talk to. I'm not moody am I?

Anyway, we were just given more problems to solve for homework and Mrs. Smith didn't even describe how to do them. Lord help us all.

"Pstttt. Hey you," Michael pokes my arm from next to me.

"What do you want?" I hiss turning to face Michael who's face is a bit too close to me. I back up a bit and wait for his answer.

"Oh is someone on their period?" he cocks his head to the side putting his hands under his chin acting innocent.

It makes him look kind of like a kitten-wait no god dammit Dani this boy annoys you.

"Periods are serious. You try being a girl!" I raise my eyebrow trying to prove a point.

"So you are on your period is what I'm hearing?" he cups his hand around his ear smirking.

"Ha, you should see me when I am," I whisper turning back to my work.

I'm trying to get my work done so I don't have to do it for homework over the weekend, but Michael is making that goal kind of hard.

"Why can't we be friends?" he sings leaning his head on my shoulder.

I push his head off my shoulder immediately, "Maybe it's because you irritate me!"

Michael pouts and starts writing on another piece of paper.

"Here's my number. If you ever need me then just call or text," he says genuinely, handing it to me.

"I don't think I'll need this," I shove it back towards him, but he doesn't take it.

"If you don't at least keep it then I'll keep talking to you right now so you can't finish your homework."

My eyes widen at the thought of him not shutting up and I put the slip of paper in my pocket.


Thankfully, school is over and it's the weekend. Unfortunately, I had to help set things up for a school carnival thing taking place tomorrow night. I have to walk home because my mom is at a doctor's appointment today so she couldn't pick me up and I don't have my own car.

About halfway home I hear footsteps behind me and turn around to see none other than Michael Clifford.

"What do you want now?" I ask frustrated, sticking my hands in my jacket pockets.

"I want to know why you don't like me," he states simply crossing his arms.

I take a deep breath and before I can speak he talks again.

"Tell the truth."

"It's not that I don't like you, well maybe it is, but I don't know. I'm just upset, okay? And angry... about nothing... and everything."

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