"Okay, so, our prime suspects are Patricia Fellows, Thomas Thacker and Jude Harland." Betty said, tapping her pencil against her temple."Yeah, we've listed possible motives right?" Jughead asked.
"Yes. Patricia Fellows, high school varsity cheer leader. Adored Alison above all other girls, even planned on helping her get into the New York School of Dance. Motive: possibly jealous of Alison's talent and success as an athlete, maybe she wanted it for herself. As for the these two, she seemed resentful towards Colleen and maybe Becky did something to tick her off." Betty elaborated.
"Right, then Thomas Thacker. Physics teacher, was hanging around practice a lot in the last two weeks before the three of them turned up dead one and two weeks later. Motives: was fighting with Colleen, supposedly about her grade. But then Daisy claimed she saw them sneaking off somewhere in the school after practice, an affair possibly?"
"Ooh scandalous." Betty cooed, Jughead couldn't fight the breath of laughter that escaped his lips.
"Of course there's an affair, that always in every case." Jughead rolled his eyes at the sad cliche.
"Speculation, but yes always an affair." Betty giggled, "now get on with it. It's nice to hear all this aloud."
"Okay. Yes the possible affair. But what he had against the the other two girls is not clear, we need to investigate that more." Jughead concluded.
"That brings us to Jude Harland." Betty interrupted.
"Yes, the shady, dark, mysterious, boyfriend of Alison and possibly Colleen and Becky. Surprise, another possible affair." Jughead furrowed his brow as Betty giggled a little.
"Yes, but if he was jealous, in love or wanted revenge on any of the girls that checks almost all the boxes for committing a murder. Besides there's clear evidence that he liked attention, especially from the girls on the team. Hadley and Danica were smitten when they talked about him." Betty said, a momentary memory also passed through her mind as she recalled the way Danica looked at Jughead.
"Yeah, and did you get the time when Daisy said she'd come and talk to us?"
"Yeah, she's coming tonight after practice at 6:00, I can stay late." Betty offered.
Jughead immediately protested, "no, I'll stay and interview her, go home to your family Betts, they need you home at a reasonable hour."
"Jughead, it's one night."
"One night always turns into more. Betty, your daughter misses you, I'm not letting you stay late." He insisted, Betty groaned, knowing that she wouldn't win this battle.
"You know I love my daughter, and she is my top priority, but this is important to me too Jug. Please, let me make my own choice for once." Betty pleaded, reversing the guilt tripping roles.
"Fine, do what you wish. It's your decision, not mine." Jughead finalized, carefully massaging his injured hand.
"I still can't believe you did that to yourself last night." Betty observed, he couldn't hide anything from her. And being a mother heightend Betty's already natural instincts for sensing pain in others.
"Betty, I'm fine, it's just a bruise. I wasn't myself at all, and had a little too much to drink. It'll be fine in a few days." Jughead sighed, wishing she'd drop it but at the same time was relived she still cared and worried about him.
"If you say so, I'm giving you two days before I force you to go to the hospital." Betty threatened, throwing him a devious smirk.
"I'm gonna go over the newspaper articles, do you have the yearbooks? And the school paper from the weeks before, during and after the girls were killed? I want to see if there's some sort of pattern." Betty's work mode kicked in.

What We Once Were: A Bughead Fanfic
Fanfiction---Completed--- Almost five years ago, Betty Cooper took off and fled the town of Riverdale. Rumors were spread and the townspeople whispered about why she might've left, some suspect that her dreams of living in New York were the cause. But those w...