✦20 | The Puppeteer and His Marionette✦

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Hi dreamers, the following shall be bgm for this one:

1. Fairy Tail Main Theme OST

2. Code Geass - Continued Story

3. Aladdin - Harvest Dance (Alan Menken/Audio Only)


Jungkook closed the door of his Hypersport, having come down after washing hands to place away the flowers he retrieved from Yoongi earlier, plus to take in some fresh air after being occupied inside for awhile now.

Locking the vehicle, the Auditor marched to reach the inside elevator of parking lot, that'll take him right up to the Hotel floors, and that's when he got a call.

Seeing the ID, Jungkook whirred a satisfied hum, connecting it green and angling it to his left ear.

"oh! Boss?! You answered on first call? Lol thought you'd be full of activity today!", a feminine voice indicated.

"right, greetings to you too bud", Jungkook twisted his neck in a rotatory movement, getting relaxed.

"ah! of course! hello there Jimin's fear-bainnse, how are you?", the woman formalized herself.

Jungkook breathed scrunching his nose, "I'm fine, detective Marina"

"hey! you're Jimin's groom! But calling me Marina right out is an exploitation of my privacy!!"

Jungkook grinned, "exactly"

"take it back! Or I'm retiring tomorrow!"

"you say that every other day. Just get to the point, Mari"

The woman audibly guffawed, "fine!", she sighed. "so I got this file, it includes the contents you suspected, plus Slain checked on it already"

"that judgment? Are you serious?"

"yep, ooho someone's impressed. Wanna read?"

The Auditor hummed, watching the elevator close before him after he buttoned his floor, "truthfully yes, so do send it"


"well then, l'm gonna hang up. Go back, I'll meet you guys in Flora"

"understood, Boss. Meanwhile, enjoy your engagement!"

"Mari, I'll demote you! You seem quite eager for it", Jungkook pointed out, almost smirking when he heard a gasp.

"you won't!"

"anticipate a surprise in your morning inbox"

"le fine! I take it back, be seeing you!"

"good. See you"

Just as the call ended, the elevator opened to the Ballroom and oh came the waves of the traditional OSTS being played over the discs.

Jungkook watched as the folded in the ceiling disco-ball was heightened down by-the-center of the vast space, and so he came out observing at the pushed away seating furniture's, making wide emptiness at the mid.

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