Chapter 25

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Shai stood up and trembled as she held Himeko closely
Damnit...why now?
"H-hi Riana..." Shai said slightly breathing heavily
"Hehehe hey Shai. I'm impressed. I never thought I'd caught you doing something like this" Riana said. Shai only trembled and made Himeko stand behind her
"Just leave this to me..." Shai whispered. Riana stepped a little closer and smiled
Heh this bitch is still afraid of me. I can tell...
"Hey Shai. Wanna hang out?" Riana asked
"No thanks. We're good. We have to go anyways" Shai said as she started stepping back
"Kill her" Himeko whispered
"'s fine" Shai said and turned around to leave with Himeko
Please don't follow us!
"Awwwww is the loser scared?" Riana asked. Shai only trembled and kept walking
Ignore that bitch! Just ignore her!
"I even heard that you left the rich family. For what? Your cute girlfriend?" Riana asked. Shai kept walking away ignoring her and wanting to leave
"What about your ex? Haha you left that bitch all because she slept with me" Riana said. Shai's eyes widen and stopped
"What?" Shai asked as she turned around to look at her. Riana only giggled and smirked
Hahahaha...what a stupid little bitch
"Remember when you caught your precious Diane cheating? The slut she was fucking was me though I'm glad you left her. She didn't fuck really good" Riana said
" it was you?" Shai asked
"Yep! Hehehe we met up and kissed" Riana said and smiled. Shai only stood there and trembled
What if...she tries to take Himeko away from me? She was ruining my life...from the very beginning...
" you still have feelings for that bitch Diane?" Himeko asked as she looked down
"N-no of course not" Shai said
"Then why did you turn around when she mentioned that? You could've ignored her" Himeko said
"I-it really isn't like that Himeko. I-I'm just surprised. That's all" Shai said
"It seems that you still have feelings for her...because if she hadn't done that then you would've still been with her" Himeko said releasing her hand and backing away from her
"Hm? She has a point" Riana said and giggled
"Wh-what? But I don't like her! Besides she always got herself drunk so either way I would be left her for that!" Shai said
"Awww are you losing your other girlfriend now? Hehehe I'll gladly take her and make her mine" Riana said as she smirked. Shai only trembled and felt tears. The shadow wrapped her arm around her neck
"Are you just going to let her talk shit about you and let her take your girl?" She asked. Shai only looked at Riana and giggled softly
That's it! Fuck this shit! I just wanna end this bitch!
"Good girl" She whispered. Shai's eyes glowed and smiles insanely as blue stripes appeared on her hair that matched the same color as her crystal eyes
"Hey Riana! Haha! You fucking piece of shit! I've always hated you and your bullshit! I'm not gonna take it anymore!" Shai said and laughed. Riana freaked out for a moment and laughed a little
"You think just because you've grown it means that you're tough now? Hehehe that's not how it works idiot and when did you fucking dyed your hair? It looks stupid like you!" Riana said
"Hm? Haha I guess there are a few things you don't know about me" Shai said and walked up to her. She grabbed Riana and punched her across the face hard. Riana fell back and stood back up
"Ha! Wow Shai! I'm impressed! You can finally fight back? Hahaha! Alright you asked for this you piece of shit!" Riana said as she ran up to her. Shai kept smiling and backed up dodging her punches. She blocked her punches then lifted her leg to kick her side. Riana caught her leg and smirked
This loser it fucked!
Riana pulled her leg to make her fall but Shai wouldn't budge or move at all
Huh?! What?! Why isn't she moving?!
Riana looked down seeing ice surrounding Shai's foot
" think you can beat me now?" Shai asked and punched Riana's nose breaking it. Riana fell back and trembled
Shit! She's a superhuman?!
"Hahahaha! Get back up Riana! Come on! Fight me you piece of shit!" Shai laughed and walked up to her. Riana clenched her fists tightly and stood up
I won't back out in a fight! I can beat this bitch!
"You're just a pathetic loser! Remember! You belong to the-" Riana's eyes widen seeing Shai's crystal blue eyes filled with insanity and the crazy smile she had on her face which reminded her of the might her parents died
No way...she looks that man...
The stormy night scared the young girl. She was in her room trying to sleep. She held her stuff animal closely and trembled in fear
'No...I'm not scared of some stupid storm. I'm a strong and brave girl!'
Lightning struck which made the girl jump. She held onto her stuff animal tightly and shut her eyes tightly. She whimpered softly and sat up
'I can't do this anymore. I'm going with mom and dad...'
Riana got out of the bed and held her stuff animal. She walked out of the room and went to her parents room
"Mom? Dad? May I sleep with you guys?" Riana asked as she knocked on the door but there was no answer
'Hmm? I guess I should just walk in since they can't hear me'
Riana walked inside the room and walked up to her parents
"Mom? Dad?" Riana asked and started shaking them trying to wake them up but they wouldn't move. Riana froze as she stood there and couldn't hear them breathing which was odd
"Mom? Dad? Please wake up!" Riana said. She turned to look at her side seeing lightning and saw a shadow when the lightning stuck. Riana turned around seeing a man holding a knife. She looked up and trembled in fear as her eyes met up with the mysterious man's eyes. The blue eyes man laughed softly before vanishing. Riana gasped and looked around the room
"Mama! Papa!" Riana cried
End Of Flashback
"Hm? Haha! I guess you've met my father huh?" Shai said
"Your father...murdered my parents..." Riana said as she looked down. Shai only looked at her and smiled
"And why should I care? Not my problem..." Shai said and giggled. Riana only looked down as she sneaked her hand behind her pocket pulling out a knife
"My parents meant the world to have no idea what it feels like to have a family that cares about you. I loved my parent and they loved took them away from me. You fucking loser!" Riana said and stabbed Shai's eye. Shai didn't flinch or move at all which shocked Riana
"Do you really think I'm stupid? I know you never cared for your parents...ever since they were killed your grandparents took you in. You're now living your life as a slut fucking around with men and women.'re the loser here" Shai said and removed the knife from her eye
"Wh-what?" Riana mumbled. Shai punched her hard in her stomach then across her face. Riana fell to the ground trembling and looked up
"Sit" Shai said
"H-huh?" Riana asked
"I said sit you dumb bitch!" Shai said and kicked her across her face hard. Riana trembled and sat like a dog
Wh-what the hell is going on?! Why am I...weak?
"Bark" Shai said as she smiled
"I said bark! No mumbling!" Shai said
"Woof! Woof! Woof!" Riana barked with tears rolling down her cheeks. Shai held the knife and laughed softly
This is so hilarious!
"Baby...mind killing this bitch for me?" Shai asked as she held out the knife toward her. Himeko's face lit up and ran up to her
"I-I can?" Himeko asked
"Of course. I already had my fun. Now I believe it's your turn to have your fun" Shai said as she smiled as she patted her head softly. Himeko giggled and wrapped her arms around her neck pulling her close then kissed her passionately. Shai blushed deeply and kissed her back wrapping her arms around her. Riana's eyes widen not believing what she was seeing
These...two bitches are crazy! Insane! Psychopaths! What kind of relationship is this?!
"Y-you two are crazy!" Riana exclaimed which made them pull away from their kiss
"Hey! Dogs don't fucking speak!" Shai said and kicked her across her face making her fall down again. Riana trembled in fear and cried. Shai only watched her and laughed
"How does it feel like to be the loser now? Do you know how many times I had to take your fucking beatings?! Tell me! How does it feel you piece of shit!" Shai said as she started kicking her and beating her
"Babe it's my turn" Himeko said wrapping her arms around her waist
" bad" Shai giggled and kissed her forehead softly. Himeko blushed and kissed her cheek softly
"Maybe we should take her someplace else other than here" Himeko said
"You're right" Shai said and froze Riana's mouth so she wouldn't scream. She dragged her by the hair and were walking away to some place quiet
"Wait I think I know where!" Shai said remembering the men from the alley. They walked in an alley while Riana was screaming like crazy but she couldn't do anything with her mouth shut by the ice
"Here!" Shai said and smiled
"Hm? This place seems abandoned. Perfect!" Himeko said. Shai released her hair and kicked Riana's stomach hard
"Stop squirimg you little shit!" Shai said
"Hm? How do you even know this place?" Himeko asked
"Hehe let's just say I was deal with some bastards last time I was here" Shai said and sighed deeply
"Where can we tie her up?" Himeko asked. Shai looked around and went inside ghe building looking for something. She walked through the rotten dead bodies and found a chair
Now all we need is-there! Haha! Found it!
Shai walked out with some rope and a chair
"Now we just have to let her sit here and tie her up" Shai said dragging her by the hair and sat her down. She tied her up to the chair and sighed deeply
"There we go. Finally at least she stopped struggling" Shai said and walked up to Himeko. She wrapped an arm around her waist pulling her close and leaned towards her ear
"Now you better entertain me and if you do it right then I'll reward you~" Shai whispered and bit down on her ear gently
"Ngh~ O-okay babe~" Himeko moaned softly. Shai smirked as her eyes glowed
"Good girl~" Shai whispered

"We can't..." Sasha said as she looked down
"Sasha you saw what they were doing to her. She doesn't deserve it" Hinria said
"So what? It's none of our business so just stay out of it" Sasha said
"Why are you supporting them?" Hinria asked
"Look they like each other and it's okay. So shut the fuck and leave them alone" Sasha said
"Okay? So kill someone is okay for you?" Hinria asked
"Do you want to live or die?" Sasha as led sternly as she glared at her. Hinria looked down and sighed deeply
"Well...yeah...I want to live" Hinria said
"So the best thing to do is just let them be and don't do anything if you want to live. I mean you can go ahead and try to do something already saw what they cam do so it's your funeral. Don't say I didn't warn you..." Sasha said
"But we can try to help...right?" Hinria asked
"You can go ahead and do what you like but leave me out of this. I won't help you at all. I just want to keep living" Sasha said
"What if your dear friend is in trouble? What would you do?" Hinria asked
"Oh I've been through that already. I was able to save her but she better not do anything stupid" Sasha said
"Wait...are you talking about your friend Diane?" Hinria asked
"Yes" Sasha said
"How was she able to survive with that crazy Momokino?" Hinria asked
"Because of my help. Yes I was scared like hell because I was messing around with a psychotic monster but somehow I managed to save her" Sasha said
"How?" Hinria asked
"I was on her side the whole time. I convinced her that she should keep Diane alive until she found Shai and recovered her memories. Then I told her I'd go and help her with Shai as long as she released Diane. So she did and there we go" Sasha said
"'re really brave and smart. Do you think she'll let me live?" Hinria asked
"After what you did to Shai and also you were dating her, you have zero chance in surviving around her so I recommend to never get close to her or Shai ever again...unless you're asking for a death wish" Sasha said
"Yeah...I understand now but...they shouldn't be killing innocent people" Hinria said
"Innocent? Ha! You don't know who that slut is? She is a bitch who pretends to be homeless and ask for money to buy drugs and has sex with many people. You heard her. She had sex with Diane and I knew about it so pretty much she deserves to die I guess? Not sure. Hehe what a bitch..." Sasha said as she shook her head
Hinria...please fucking listen to me. Can't you see I'm doing my best so you don't end up like Diane?

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