Chapter 41

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Shinjo growled furiously and froze the chains that were wrapped around him. The ice followed the chains heading towards the man who was the one doing the chains. He broke free from the chains and fell down
"Ugh! Get that boy idiots!" Hinria shouted. Shinjo reached up to the school building and used his ice holding onto the building. He looked up at the woman and entered inside an empty class
Empty? They must've evacuated or something...
Shinjo walked out of the classroom and looked around the hallways
Shinjo stepped out of the classroom and walked down the hallways
Calm down...everything will be okay...everything is going to be okay. I just have to be care and look out for enemies
Shinjo started walking down the hallway as he looked around in the emtpy classes. He stopped as he felt someone wrap an arm around them
"Hehehe hey little Shinjo..." He said
"You again..." Shinjo mumbled
"Yep! And it seems you're in a little situation..." He said
"Shut up..." Shinjo growled
"Why? Shouldn't you worry about what just happened? That crazy woman was after you for revenge..." He said
"Revenge on what? My parents?" Shinjo asked
"Why yes...I heard her. They met a while back...hehe aren't you curious?" He asked
" shut up. I must escape..." Shinjo said as he walked away
"But you need will have to use me. Let me take over and kill those enemies" He whispered
"Stop talking! I can take care of myself" Shinjo said
"But you're not as strong as me...are you? I can help you defeat them all in one hit...I'm the strongest...and I know how to kill them" He said
"I'm not going to kill them..." Shinjo said as he kept walking and arrived at the center of the building. Out of nowhere two big guys came in running after him
Fuck! They're going to kill me!
Shinjo stomped the ground making the floor completely ice and made them slip. He ran at them and raised his hands then ice blasted them pushing them back. He then aimed for their chest as he punched them hard trying to freeze their hearts. He panted heavily and trembled as his arms began to weaken
F-fuck...this is bad
Suddenly he saw someone walk up to him
"Huh? Wait D-donho?" Shinjo asked. Donho only looked at him as he walked up to him
"Wh-what are you doing here? We have to get out! Haven't you notice the police outside?" Shinjo asked
"Yes...I have" Donho said
"But why are you still here?" Shinjo asked
"Because...I must know something. Shinjo...aren't you a psychopath just like your parents and...your grandfather?" Donho asked. Shinjo's eyes widen and trembled as he looked down
I have heard so much about my he murdered people and tortured them before killing. He was a crazy man for many people but...mother said he was a kind and sweet man who cared for his family...even though he was crazy
"So? Are you?" Donho asked
"Why are you asking me that?" Shinjo asked
"Because I want to know...besides...yesterday you were acting quite different. You weren't yourself anymore. You were him" Donho said
"Why do you even care?" Shinjo asked
"Because...I don't get why your parents are free to do what they want when they are the ones who are killers" Donho said
"I know my parents are crazy but...they still have a sweet spot. I have seen them go crazy before...and for some people it may seem scary or terrifying but...they're my parents. I care about them and love them no matter what..." Shinjo said
"Have you ever disappointed your parents?" Donho asked
"No...because they still love me no matter what I do. Even if I do something wrong...they will still love me and care about me. They might be upset at first but they don't stay upset forever...why? Why are you asking me this?" Shinjo asked
"Do you know how it feels to be a disappointment? A shame to your family?" Donho asked. Shinjo only looked at him and shook his head
"Of course not...your parents aren't like mine. They want me to succeed no matter what and if I do something wrong...they get mad and tell me that I'm embarrassing the family name..." Donho said
"Wh-what? always tell us that your parents are proud to have you and all. You always say things like that..." Shinjo said
"I only say those things just to feel good about myself. Having everyone's attention is something that I enjoy...but...meeting you and seeing your parents the way they acted with you. Every single day being proud and smiling at you even for the smallest things...was something I fucking hated" Donho said. Shinjo only looked at him shocked seeing tears in his eyes
"Donho...are you saying that your parents...h-hate you?" Shinjo asked
"What do you think? I always have to suffer and get yelled at everyday for the way I act and everything else. You don't understand how it feels like..." Donho said
"B-but...I never wanted to fight you. I don't get why you want to fight me when you should've just talked to me about it with me. I could've tried to understand you and maybe...even tried to help you with your relationship with your parents" Shinjo said
"Help? From you? You're just a pathetic weakling! Come on and use your powers on me. And I mean your true power. You've been hiding your true side am I right? You haven't used it yet..." Donho said as he clenched his fists tightly
"I don't want to fight you...please...lets just end this and get out" Shinjo said
"I did some research lately and have noticed something different from your parents. They look different...act different...and I guess if two women can make a baby then that must mean...they also made a crazy child. You're not using your true powers...why?" Donho asked
"I don't want to fight you because you'll get hurt!" Shinjo said as he shook his head
"Oh so you do believe that I can't handle a simple ice attack from you?" Donho asked
"No of course not b-but...ugh you don't understand! It's because I don't want to hurt you! You think I only have simple ice powers but you're wrong...there is something scary inside and it's something I don't want to use. So please...I don't want to hurt you or anyone. just have to believe me. I have seen my parents gone mad...and yes...for people they may be insane and have crazy minds but he...he has a crazier mind than my parents. Please...I'm only protecting you" Shinjo said as he trembled. Donho only glared at him and ran up to him raising his fist then punched the ground hard breaking it. Shinjo only dodged as he looked at him
"Come on Momokino! Fight back!" Donho said
"I don't want to! Can't you understand that I don't want to fight you or ever fight you!? What's the point in fighting me?! What the hell do you want?!" Shinjo exclaimed
"Just fight back!" Donho said and ran up to him. Shinjo only covered himself in ice and Donho started punching the ice cracking it
"Get out of there you Momokino!" Donho said as he kept punching the ice hard
Ugh! He won't listen! No matter what I tell him those words just pass through him!
Suddenly there was a huge attack from above and Donho got attacked hard that he flew hitting his back hard against the wall. Shinjo's eyes widen as his ice started melting. He ran out of the ice and turned around seeing a man. He was dripping lava and trembled realizing his powers were lave
If I try to fight this man I'll only get killed. Ice doesn't go well with lava...and I'll only kill myself
He turned around seeing Donho struggling to get up
Donho is hurt! We must get out!
Shinjo ran towards Donho grabbing him then carried him on his back as he started running away from the man
"Come back here little boy!" The man said as he chased after the boys
"Why....why are you saving me?" Donho asked
"Because...we may not be friends but...I couldn't let you get killed. You're strong Donho...and you don't have to proof to the world that you're strong" Shinjo said. Donho only looked away and sighed deeply
Saved by a weakling...pathetic...
"Thanks..." Donho mumbled which Shinjo was able to hear
"You're welcome..." Shinjo said. Suddenly the lava man threw lava towards the boys
"Leave him alone!" Shai shouted and kicked him hard in his face
"M-mom!?" Shinjo exclaimed
"Shinjo! Get out of here now!" Shai said. Shinjo jumped out the window then created an ice slide landing to the ground safely with Donho. The two boys landed on the ground and the officers walked up to them
"Come with us. We'll take you two in a safe place" The officer said. Shinjo and Donho were taken away and saw the other students outside mom...mama..they're still in there!
" parents!" Shinjo said as he pulled away from the officer
"Kid I'm sorry but your parents told me to take you in a safer place. They're after you and it's best if you stay with us" The officer said
"I-I don't want to! I have to go back and see is they're okay!" Shinjo said as he was going to run back inside the school but the officer grabbed him
"I'm sorry kid but you have to come with us" The officer said
"Let me go!" Shinjo said
"I'm sorry but you have to come with us" The officer said and dragged him away with the others who were with their families
"Shinjo!" Mokuro said. Shinjo only looked down clenching his fists tightly
"Shinjo?" Mokuro asked
"I'm heading back..." Shinjo said
"Wh-what? But Shinjo we have to stay here. Our parents will take us home where it's safer for us especially for you..." Mokuro said. Shinjo only turned around staring at the building and clenched his fists tightly
I'm not....going...I don't want to just leave them. I can't..
"Kill them...I can help you...just use me and I can kill them" He whispered. Shinjo gritted his teeth as he looked down
"Shinjo?" Mokuro asked
"I'm...not going" Shinjo said and walked away
"Wait Shinjo! You might get hurt!" Mokuro said. Shinjo looked at him giving him a glare
"You're in my way..." Shinjo said. Mokuro loosened his grip and released him. Shinjo walked back to heading to the school building. The officers blocked his way and kept telling him to leave
"Please...just let me help" Shinjo said
"I'm sorry kid but you have to leave" The officer said. Shinjo stomped the ground creating an ice path moving the officers aside
"Stop getting in my way..." Shinjo said coldly as he walked up to the building
"You're getting yourself killed!" The officer said. Shinjo's hand started releasing a cold aura and looked up seeing a the man with chains. He threw a chain towards him and Shinjo caught it. His eyes slowly turned crystal blue then pulled onto the chain dragging the man towards him. The man used his other chains heading towards Shinjo. He growled as he froze the chains and ended up freezing the man. Suddenly the man yelled in pain feeling his entire body burn. Everyone's jaw drop realizing why. The ice that Shinjo produced wasn't any simple ice like his mother or grandfather. Shinjo smiled insanely as he watched his victim die from...dry ice
"Shinjo! Wait!" Mokuro shouted as he ran after him
"Mokuro! Come back!" Mei shouted. Mokuro ignored his mother as he kept chasing after him until Matsuri grabbed him pulling him back
"Look out!" Matsuri exclaimed as she saved him from an attack. The man growled as he clenched his fists tightly. Matsuri ran up to him then attacked his eyes with her claws. She growled as her mind began to lose control. She looked around and shook her head
Control yourself Matsuri!
"Auntie Matsuri there is many of them" Mokuro said
"You can't do this alone" Hasura said
"I can! You kids get out now!" Matsuri said
"I said get out!" Matsuri shouted and trembled. The kids ran away and Matsuri looked at all the enemies running up to her
Go after their eyes!
"Go to hell!" Matsuri shouted as she ran up to them with her claws and growled at them like a wild animal

"You stupid bitch!" Himeko growled and grabbed Hinria's throat pinning her to the ground
"Y-you're the bitch...for fucking fr-framing me..." Hinria said and smiled. Himeko placed the knife against her throat and started putting pressure on the knife cutting it
"I should've just killed you back there instead of letting you live...I just wished Shai would've allowed me to kill you back there" Himeko said
"Hehe maybe Shai is still in lo-ugh!" Himeko stabbed her neck and watched the blood dripped down her neck
"H-hahahaha..." Hinria giggled. Himeko's eyes widen and turned around seeing a woman that threw water at her. Himeko's eyes widen as the water surrounded her drowning her
Sh-shit! This is bad! I-I can't get out! I'll drown!
Hinria stood up wobbling a little bit and smiled
"Hehe...don't worry Himeko-chan. I'll definitely take good care of your family" Hinria said and covered the small wound on her neck. Himeko trembled as she began to ran out of air. Suddenly the woman's eyes widen as she got attacked by ice. She released Himeko from her powers and started trembling. Hinria's eyes widen realizing it was different type of ice
W-wait that isn't Shai's ice but...dry ice
Shinjo came in and stood there panting softly. His hands kept releasing his cold aura and he smiled insanely
"Don't hurt mama...or else...I'll kill you!" Shinjo said as he laughed with his glowing blue eyes
Time for some fun!

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