Chapter 42

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Shai growled and created an ice blast surrounding the lava man. The man kept blasting his lace everywhere melting it but Shai kept surrounding him as she tried to make contact with his skin
"Just fucking die you bastard!" Shai shouted as she ran up to him with full power. Her blue eyes glowed as she began to unleash her attack. Her two hands turned into ice and created a huge ice blast throwing attacking the lava man with her full strength and threw him out of the building. He fell to the ground. Shai jumped out of the broken window landing on the ground and attacked him with her ice powers
Ugh! Shit! I won't be able to keep this up for long! I'm reaching my limit!
"You think you can defeat someone like me?!" The man exclaimed. Shai clenched her fists tightly and growled furiously
"Hahaha! Stop pissing me off you asshole!" Shai shouted as she punched his face hard knocking him out. She panted heavily and groaned looking at her arm
D-damnit...I used too much of my power...
She looked up at the top of the building and saw an ice blast
Shinjo? Didn't I tell him to leave? Ugh! This is bad!
Shai started heading to the building until she saw someone being thrown to the ground. The woman laid on the ground groaning in pain
"Hahahaha! I'm not done with you yet!" Shinjo laughed as he jumped off the building and landed on the woman
"Sh-shinjo wait!" Shai exclaimed. Shinjo released his powers destroying the woman's face with his dry ice. He panted heavily and clenched his fists tightly hurts like hell. No...don't give up...I must kill this bastard...
"Shinjo!" Shai said and ran up to him. Shinjo trembled as he struggled to get up. Shai held him and helped him stand on his legs
"Can you walk?" Shai asked
"Hahaha...I...I finally...k-killed someone..." Shinjo mumbled and let out soft laughs. Shai looked up seeing Hinria and Himeko fighting each other
Okay maybe I shouldn't worry about that...
"Let's go!" Shai said but Shinjo struggled to set free
"I'm going to kill that bastard!" Shinjo growled
"Shinjo calm down!" Shai said as she struggled to hold him but gasped seeing the lava man stand back up again
Shit! I must get Shinjo out now!
"Let me kill him!" Shinjo growled and tried to get out of his mother's grip
"Sh-shinjo stop!" Shai exclaimed. Shinjo growled and punched his mother's injured arm
"Agh! Shinjo!" Shai exclaimed
"Hahaha! Die die die die die!" Shinjo laughed as both his hands got covered in dry ice. The lava man looked at his eyes and for some reason froze in place not understanding why
Th-that look in his eyes...the eyes...o-of a maniac. I-I can't move at all...wh-what the hell is wrong w-with me? Am I-I scared of a little kid?!
"DIE YOU FUCKING ASSHOLE! HAHA!" Shinjo laughed as he jumped towards the man then used his charged up powers as he blasted the man with his dry ice
"A-aaaaggggghhhh! Y-you little-aaaaah!" The man cried out in pain and trembled as Shinjo punched him directly in his chest. The lava man growled and punched Shinjo hard using his lava throwing him far
"Sh-shinjo!" Shai exclaimed and ran up to the man
"You son of a bi-gaaaah!" Shai trembled as the man attacked her weak arm breaking it
"Y-you bastard!" Shai exclaimed but the man grabbed her throwing her to the ground hard don't think...I-I can r-recover in must s-save...
"Sh-shinjo..." Shai mumbled and the man stepped on her head
"That was pretty tough...I'm impressed you're still alive..." The man said and lava dripped onto Shai's body burning her skin
"A-agh!" Shai cried in pain and trembled as she tried using her ice
"Hehehe...not as strong as your father...goodbye" The man said as he held out his hand out. Shai's eyes widen and clenched her fists tightly.
A-am I really going to d-die?
Suddenly the man got attacked by an ice blast
"Agh! This stupid kid won't give up!" The man said and looked at the little boy. Shinjo panted heavily as he was bleeding with a couple burns in his skin and ran up to the man
"Leave my mother alone!" Shinjo said but the man attacked him hard knocking him down
"You're as weak as your mother! You pathetic idiot!" The man said and chuckled softly. Shinjo trembled and coughed out blood out
E-everything hurts...I-I can't move around...
"Now time to finish you..." The man said as he lifted Shinjo's body by grabbing his neck. Shinjo growled and struggled to get out of his grip. Shai raised her hand and tried to use the last bit of her powers
"L-leave...him al-alone" Shai growled. The man's eyes widen and coughed as Shai froze his heart
"Y-you bitch! What did you do!?" The man shouted as he stepped on her head making her bleed. Shinjo's eyes widen and teared up
"Leave them alone!" A boy shouted as he attacked out of nowhere making the man drop Shinjo
"Wh-what!? Where are you!?" The man exclaimed. Shinjo ran up to his mother trying to help her
"Asshole!" A girl shouted
"What the fuck is going on!?" The man exclaimed. Suddenly the two appeared right in front of him as they attacked
"Mokuro!? Hasura?! What the hell are you two doing!?" Shinjo exclaimed
"We came to help!" Mokuro said
"Yeah!" Hasura said
"You stupid kids!" The man growled as he tried to attack but they turned invisible. Shinjo's eyes widen not knowing how they did it this Misuki's power?
"You two stupid kids!" The man exclaimed and spotted the Mizusawa
"Bye bye" Matsuri said as she stabbed both his eyes
"AAAAAAH!" The man exclaimed. Matsuri backed up and both Mokuro and Hasura attacked him.
"Time to finish this...hehehehehe" He whispered. Suddenly Shinjo began shaking and trembling feeling an excruciating pain all over his entire body
No no no! Stop it! St-stop it! I-I don't want to!
"V-voices in my head and...l-laughs...m-my head. Hahahaha I...I'm going to kill..." Shinjo said as his hair started turning black and a pair of arms made out of auras came out of his back.
"Sh-shinjo!" Mokuro said but Hasura grabbed him shaking her head. Everyone's eyes widen and backed away from the crazy boy. Shai looked up and gasped
"" Shai said
"Hahahahaha...h-he is telling B-blood...organs...m-must get..." Shinjo said as he looked at the man with his crazy eyes. The man coughed out blood feeling his heart start to give up
"I-I must...kill you...m-mom...hurt because o-of me..." Shinjo said and laughed insanely as his eyes glowed.
"Damnit" The man said trembling a bit. Shinjo laughed and ran full speed arriving behind him.
"Hahahaha! Die!" Shinjo laughed as his pair of arms stabbed through his chest
"AGH! GAAAH!" The man cried out in pain as Shinjo teared his body apart splattering blood everywhere and his organs fell down onto the ground
"Hahaha...hahaha...k-killed him..." Shinjo mumbled and trembled as both his arms were covered in frostbite's all w-weak...and worse...I lost...control
Shai groaned as she struggled to stand up but managed to get on her feet with the help of Matsuri. Shinjo turned to look at the group who was shouting his name but all Shinjo heard was faded noises
"...I...I...lost...c-control" Shinjo mumbled with tears rolling down his cheeks. His vision began to blur out and he soon passed out

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