The Next Morning 🌅

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You ran back to your shared room with Cora-san, once in you locked the door. Slid down, look at your son who was sleeping peacefully.

"We need to get off this submarine. But I have little no energy left, after what happened. Hopefully, he thinks I just pass out from drinking. That way I can play it off with no questions asked." You ran a hand through your (H/C) hair. Look towards your bag crawled over to it.

Pull out a black case, unzipped it revealing 6 syringes and a vial of green liquid. "Hopefully this will be enough till we reach the next island. Otherwise, I'm fuck."

Pulled up right pants leg took a syringe filled it with the green liquid. Look down to your leg if you can call it that. From the knee up was scarred, chowed up skin. Knee down was a mess, bits of flesh, bits of metal. That doctor really fuck up big time. The worse part was the robotic part was now leaking oil into your bloodstream.

"I'm surprised I've lived this long with the oil leak. Sigh Hopefully this with help." You inject the liquid into your leg lean back on the wall.

"At least if I die, you'll be safe my boy." Fixed your pants put the case back, crawled over to the bed. Lay down next to Cora-san, he's back to you. You pulled him in cuddled, silently crying yourself to sleep.

- Meanwhile In Law's Office -

Jean had just finished putting the door back up, Law had explained what happens. Not that he had to cause he's the captain. But it was to shut the trio up.

"So a doctor fucked up an operation 5 years ago and she's been living in pain?" Shachi

"And she's treating herself with no medical knowledge." Penguin

Law leans on the desk with his fingers knitted. "Yes, Shachi-ya and Penguin-ya."

"But that's dangerous! She could die, we have to treat her!" Bepo started to panic.

"Maybe she doesn't trust doctors," Jean spoke up, causing everyone to look at him. "Think of it from her point of view. One doctor already fuck up and cause her pain. Why should she trust another one?"

"That's true, but she trusts the captain with her heart." Bepo

"Bepo that's different she let him keep it cause he wasn't treating her. I say whatever happens has left a big impact on her. Also explains why she dresses to cover herself up." Jean being a slave before joining the crew, covers the mark of the celestial dragons. He understands why she does.

"Anyway, cap'n why do you care? Do you like her ~"? Penguin

"Captain got a crush on (Y/N) ~". Shachi

"Shambles." Law switches the pair's head around. Law didn't know why he cared. Maybe cause he wanted to see how badly the doctor fucked up. Prove he was better by fixing it?

"But what would be the cause of the smell?" Bepo ask.

"It's oil..." Again making everyone look at him, even stopping the pair in their mid freakout. "It smells like Kidd you know metal and oil?"

Law picks up the heart, now realising why it smelt familiar. "So she has a prosthetic limb and it's leaking oil..." He leans back in his chair.

"What are you think captain?" Bepo

"Be in my office first thing in the morning. And say nothing to (L/N)-ya about what happens tonight. Now get out." The four nodded, Bepo and Jean made their way out. Penguin and Shachi we're still there.

Déjà Vu - Trafalgar D. Water Law x Reader (One Piece)Where stories live. Discover now