Surgery 😷

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I sent Ikkaku to fetch (L/N)-ya, we were almost done prepping.

"Just in here (Y/N), and don't worry you'll be fine. You're in good hands, and we'll look after Cora-san while you recover."

"T-thank y-you I-Ikkaku." Ikkaku left (L/N)-ya stood near the doorway, shaking uncontrollably.

"What's wrong (Y/N)?" Shachi-ya

"Y-you are going t-to u-use an-anesthesia r-right? I-I w-won't feel you c-cut into m-me."

"Yes that's what happens, why didn't he use anesthesia?" Penguin-ya question

"N-no I-I felt everything. E-every s-slice, every h-hammer, every b-bolt. I-I f-felt everything." No wonder she didn't ask, she's petrified.

"I can assure you (L/N)-ya you won't feel a thing. Now come here so I can finish prepping you, we can get started."

"Y-yes C-Captain." The three look at me, great now I'll have to explain this too.

"On the table." I watch her lay down, she's still shaking.

"(L/N)-ya, you'll be okay. Now listen if there are any unnecessary parts of bone or muscle, I'm going to have to remove them. I may even have to remove past your knee, do you understand?"

"Y-yes Captain."

"Right Bepo-ya put her under."

"Hai Captain."

"Have a good rest (Y/N)!" Penguin-ya

"You'll feel better when you wake up!" Shachi-ya

- 16 Hours Later/Trust Me I'm Not A Doctor -

"That's the last stitch, Bepo-ya wrap her leg up. Penguin-ya takes all this away. Shachi-ya is the room ready?"

"Yes Captain, I asked Ikkaku to make sure everything was ready."


"It's great that you were able to save her leg. And not amputating rest."

"It came very close to it Bepo-ya. Cycling her blood to remove the oil was risky in itself."

"Shachi-ya set up a blood bag and an IV drip!"


"At least know she won't be in pain," Penguin-ya commented when he returns.


"Okay Captain everything ready to transfer her."

"Oh, by the way, Cap'n, when did (Y/N) become a member of the crew?" Penguin-ya asked.

"18 hours ago..."

"You blackmailed her, shame on you!" Bepo-ya

"Did you want her to leave?"

"No..." Bepo-ya lowered his head.

We wheeled her into the other room, "on the count of three. 1. 2. 3."

Shachi-ya inserted the needles for the blood and IV, while Bepo-ya fixed the oxygen mask and heart monitor. Penguin-ya finishing cleaning the operating room.

"After you have finished here go help Penguin-ya and get some rest."

"What about you Captain?" Bepo-ya

"I have to finish the paperwork."

"Surely that can wait, it's 6:30 am." Shachi-ya

I held my hand as if I was going to use Shambles, the pair took off.

"Finally..." I drop into the chair next to (L/N)-ya. I looked to her, she looks so peaceful.

I notice her hand moving, the anesthesia must be wearing off. "L...L"

She can't be waking up, she just came out of the theatre!

"L-Law..." She smiles.

"You're okay (Y/N)-ya rest now." She started to relax, soon heard light snoring.

- Skipper -

I could hear rustling, I open my eyes. "Oh, Captain you're awake. How did you sleep?"

"Ikkaku what are you doing in here?"

"I came in to see if you wanted anything, but I saw you were asleep so I let you be." She checked (Y/N)-ya vitals, stop look at (Y/N)-ya's neck.

"Captain please tell me that's not what I think they are."

I smirk, "yes they are."

"Uhh... I didn't think she was that type of girl."

"What type would that be?"

"Yours. All her vitals are good, Cora-san wants to know when he comes to see (Y/N)."

"When she wakes up."

"I'll let him know. Captain if I can make a suggestion."


"You need a shower... Like badly, you're still covered in (Y/N)'s blood. You might freak her out if she sees you covered in it." She places the fold back and left. She was right I needed a shower, but I didn't want to leave (Y/N)-ya by herself.

"Mmm... Arrr..." (Y/N) started to stir.

"(Y/N)-ya can you hear me?"

"Yeah, I can hear you. Blah, what's that horrible taste?! It tastes like lipstick, did Cora-san put make-up on me again?!"

I chuckle watching her trying to rub off lipstick her cheeks that weren't there. She stops once she realises she had a mask on. Her eyes darted to her leg.

"We were able to save your leg. But we did remove the unnecessary bits of bone and muscle. There's no oil in your bloodstream."

"Thank you, Law for saving my life. Sorry, it's your life now." She lightly chuckles.

"Yes it is, you should know you'll need another operation to attach your new leg."

"My new leg? What kind of new leg?"

"A proper one."

"Sounds good. Hey Law."


"You need a shower, you have dry blood on you."

I hummed in agreement, made my way out.

"Wait! Do I... Do I look better?"

"Now the oil is out of your system, and that fuck up gone... Yes, you do, my little doll."

As I left I could hear (Y/N) giggling.

"My little doll?"

"Wow Cap'n who would of-"

"Shambles!" I left the pair of idiots, went for a shower.

Déjà Vu - Trafalgar D. Water Law x Reader (One Piece)Where stories live. Discover now