A New Leg! 🦿

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It's been two and a half weeks now since Law fix my leg. What a relief no more pain, forgot what it felt like to not feel it. Cora-san was upset that I never told him about it. Shachi had gone back to cooking, I can now understand why everyone doesn't like his cooking. Cora-san now helps with dinner. We ran out of bread, which I'm pretty sure Law threw it out! Law showed Cora-san how to make rice balls. He loves them, of course, he added hundreds and thousands.

We finally made it to the next island. Apparently, they've been here before, Law said it would be best for Cora-san and me to stay on board. At the moment we sitting on my hospital bed. Cora-san drawing and I'm thinking of new recipes, for when I get back in the kitchen. Gawd knows when that'll be. I know he said I was his doll, but do I really have to sit here like a doll? I've been using my crutches to get around the room, theses four walls are starting to get to me.

There's a knock at the door. Causes us both to look up, before I could even say a word the pair of idiots burst in.

"(Y/N) Cap'n got a surprise for you! ~" Penguin bust in

"Just remember I help picked it out!" Shachi added

"Shambles..." Law switches their heads... Again... They left the room running.

"Do you always have to do that?" I ask as I tucked my legs in.


"Whatever you're the Captain. So what's this surprise you have for me?"

Bepo pops his head in, "close your eyes."

I close and cover my eyes, "Okay they're close." I can hear Bepo walk in, and the weight of the bed shifts.

"Okay open." Bepo dances on the spot, Law glares at him and he apologises.

The box is placed at the foot of the bed, I get up to open it Law stops me. "What?"

"Put your legs out."

"Ookay..." I did as he asks. Thankfully Ikkaku made some shorts for me, so I didn't have to stay in a gown. Blah those things are gross.


The box disappears, it's a leg! Wait it's a robotic one. "It's mine?"

"No, I brought to taught you with." Yes, it was a stupid question to ask. Cora-san started writing showed it to Law.

Law froze, I guess he threatened him with bread. Even Bepo started to giggle, now I got to read it. I took the piece of paper and laugh.

"Don't be mean to my Mum! Otherwise, I'll put bread in your dinner tonight!"

"That's my boy! You tell Captain!"

"Both of you are insane!" Cora-san nodded smiling.

"Cora-san did you want to go play?" Bepo asks Cora-san nodded before he hops down he gave me a kiss and hug.

Which was strange he's never kiss me before the surgery. Guess it scared him I didn't get to see him before, it was just over 24 hours before I saw him.

"Bet you're regretting teaching him how to write, haha." He hummed his reply.

I move down the bed to get a better look at my new leg. It looks amazing, it was the exact colour of my skin. And it even felt real, from the toes up to the top of the shin. Even the calf part was cool! I wonder if I could put some lights in it or something.

Law cough to get my attention. "Oh yes, thank Captain I love it. It's thousands of times better than the shitty one I had before."

"Glad you like it." Wait what? He's glad I like it? Even if I didn't like it, I would have to deal with it. I look to him, I can't see his face.

"Captain are you okay? Are you sick or something?"

"N-no I'm fine..."

"You're strutting, are you all flustered?" I smirk, I know he is.

He turns his head, "no I'm not f-flustered!"

I crawl to the edge of the bed to him. Damnit he's just out of reach. I got a stupid idea, I'll make him catch me. I lean on the bars of the bed, they gave out with that I fell.

"Sham- Shit!" Swiftly Law caught me. "What the hell (Y/N)-ya you could have got hurt!"

"But you were here to save me, my dear Captain ~" I got a peek under his hat, he's blushing and hard!

"And what if I wasn't!"

I got close to his ear whispered seductively, "Captain your blushing."

I decided to push my luck and nibble on his ear, I pulled a small growl.

"Shambles..." Again I'm pinned to the bed with him on top. "And what do you think you're doing?"

"Having some fun, you've kept me in this room for two and a half weeks. Can you blame me?"

"You're my doll and you'll do as you're told!"

"Well maybe you should play with your doll, so she doesn't feel lonely."

"Really you feel lonely?" And there goes the seduction...

"I've hardly seen you since my operation. Thought you would have done something with my life." I was scared at first him having so much control over me. He really hasn't done anything.

He sat on the edge of the bed and remain silent. "I'm sorry Captain, I don't know what I was thinking. I'm grateful for everything you've done for Cora-san and me. Saving my life and buying me a new leg. I guess I wanted to be more useful than just laying around in bed."

"You're an idiot."

I chuckle, "yeah I know. Just to let you know calling me names doesn't really bother me." Again he hummed his reply.

Silence falls yet again. I sat next to him rested my head on his shoulder, I could feel him tense up.

"Wanna know something?"

"Not really..."

"Before this happens," kick my leg. "I use to be a gymnast, I was so flexible, nimble, perfect balance. I would go to all the competitions and win. My sister would make me a different outfit for each one. She would spend hours working on them. My brother would always take me to train even if he was sick. My parents never miss a competition, Dad would always cut out the newspapers articles. Mum always told me she was proud of me. My favourite thing was the balance beam, doing tumbles, jumps, rolls you name it. Eventually, the beam got boring. So I trade it for rope and went higher. Each time I got bored I'll change the rope's width and go higher."

"You would have had to have a net." Wow, he is listening.

"Yeah but I hated it, I never put it up."

"You would have got hurt or killed yourself."

"This day I did. I couldn't get the rope I wanted. So I up the height, my brother was nagging the hell out of me to have the net up. I put the net up to satisfy him. I was halfway across and the rope snap, I fell but somehow hurt my wrist." I started rolling my left wrist around cracking it, causing Law to flinch.

He grabs my wrist started examining it. "What happens to the rope?"

"Defected, apparently there were a few ropes snapping. Everyone else uses them to tie down cargo and stuff."

"And you a type rope," he chuckled. "Your wrist is fine."

"Thanks, doctor." I nug his shoulder, again I got a chuckle.

"Would you go back to it?"

"If I could yeah, it'll take a fuck load of training. I'll never be as good as I was before."

"Why not?"

"Because it'll take me months just to get my balance back. And that's not even mentioning flexible, strength, endurance and coordination."

"We can work on three of those right now."

"What do you mean now?!"

Déjà Vu - Trafalgar D. Water Law x Reader (One Piece)Where stories live. Discover now