Chapter 14 [For you]

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Inko Midoriya tries her best, when it comes to her son.

A chapter, dedicated to her view- towards the world around her, and towards Izuku.

(This chapter contains a head-first dive into the religion Catholicism, how it has affected the story, and how it has affected Inko. I am in no way claiming that Catholicism is a bad religion, for I am a Catholic myself.

I am fully aware that not all Catholics are bad, because the true teachings of god it to love one another, to treat your neighbor well, and to be accepting and forgiving to everyone.

To me, and some others, God's true teachings is to be accepting, to be loving, no matter what. You love who you love; and be whoever you want to be.)


Inko Midoriya is six when her mom cradles her in her arms, rocking her chair, humming softly. In her hands was a blue book, with a colorful cover and fancy lettering.

'The Bible: Children's version', it read.

She was young, back then.


"Pray the rosary with me, Inko."

She holds the precious little rosary in her hands, squeezing the intricately carved wooden beads, eyes glued in wonder onto the cross.

Her father smiles, ruffling her hair.

"Say it with me. In the name of the father, the son..."


Her household was loving, with both parents present and a roof over their heads and food on their plates.

She was showered with affection, taught right and wrong.

"Can you please give me the pamphlet?"

"Okay mommy."

Church was on Sundays, 10:00 AM sharp. Inko liked the fluffy dresses she got to wear, liked the teal button-up her dad sported and the way her mother put on lipstick and blush to accentuate her features.

Religion, to Inko, was a large part of growing up. Her moral character is based on what God wants, what he deems right and what he deems wrong.

Don't lie.

Don't steal.

Respect your father and mother.

And Inko was behaved during church, never rowdy like the other kids, never put up a big fuss. She listened to the priest, obedient, and marveled how God loved everyone and kept an eye out for his children.

Doesn't God get tired too, keeping watch day and night? Inko thinks she'll be sleepy, if she has to watch a lot of people.

She keeps the question to herself.


"Midoriyaaa! Wanna come with us?"

The girls wave her over, but Inko shakes her head, polite and shy. "No thank you. I'm going home early, today."

The girl pouts, but gives a thumbs-up. "Okayyy! Say hi to your parents for me!"

She's in middle school.

And, it is also the first time she saw her classmates- Tanaka and Rico, the foreigner student, exchange quick kisses, red faced. They didn't think anyone saw them, but Inko hurries away from the hallway, heart beating fast.

They were both boys, and Inko wonders about that, thinks about for a long time. It was allowed?

She had never heard of that before.

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