A Promise to Keep

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Seto's P.O.V

I look at my hands. What did I just do? When that happen I had no idea what I was doing? I tried to stop myself. But I couldn't. What was I doing to Sky? Was this what Sky was talking about? The consequence of using those spells. I hope it was. If it wasn't. I feel like a monster. I was acting like a monster to everyone. I look at the building. There is a giant hole in it. I did that. I know that Enderlox made the hole. It's just that I help him into the base. I betray the Sky Army. Jason looks at me.

"You okay Seto?" Jason asks. I hurt everyone. Sky is gone, the Sky Army is hurt, and Enderlox has Sky at who knows where.

"I'm sorry Jason. I didn't." Jason puts his hands on my shoulders. I look at him. 

"Know what you were doing. Did you?" Jason asks.  

"No. I tried to stop myself. But I couldn't. Remember when you and Sky found me in my room, on the floor." 

"Yes." Jason said. 

"Sky told me that there were consequence to using a spell. I did. And I think that was a consequence. Or that Enderlox was controlling me." 

"Seto I didn't believe for a second that was you back there. You would never do that. We all know it." Jason said.

"But Mitch said-"

"Mitch is just worried about Sky and the fact that you threw a spell at him. He will be fine. And I am sure that Sky is fine too." Jason said.

"Are you sure?" 

"Yeah. Sky can take care of himself. I am sure he is on his way back right now." Jason said. 

"But what about when I attacked him?" 

"Sky knows that was the consequence of the spell that you used from that book. He will forgive you." Jason said.

"I guess you are right." 

"I know that I am right." Jason said. We walk towards where the others went. 

Ty's P.O.V

Is it over?

"Enderlox what did you do to Sky?" Enderlox laughs. 

"See for yourself." Enderlox said. 

"What do you mean?" I suddenly get control of myself. I look at myself. I have no tail, wings, or claws. 

"You are in control for a while. Don't try anything. I can regain control whenever I want to." Enderlox said. 

"Ok." I run towards Sky. He is on the ground not moving at all. I kneel down next to him. I put him in my lap. His chest is bleeding. 

"Sky. Look at me. Please." I start crying. I did this. It's my fault. 

"It is your fault." Enderlox said. I could have stopped him. But I didn't. 

"Ty." Sky said. I look at Sky. 

"Omg. Sky your going to be fine. I promise." He looks at  me. I try to face the fact that Sky might not make it back alive. But I can't. I am about to stand up.

"No Ty." Sky said. I go back down. 

"But Sky you'l-"

"I know Ty. But don't worry about me." Sky said.

"Sky I can't live with myself knowing that I killed my best friend." 

"You didn't. Enderlox did. Every bad thing you do. It was not you, it was him." Sky said. 

"The Sky Army needs you. We need you. I need you. We can't do anything without you. Please don't die on me Sky. I won't forgive myself if I let you." I cry on him. It starts raining on us.

"But I forgive you Ty. He feeds on your angry and despair. Promise me something." Sky said. He's cold as ice. He is dying. 

"Yeah." I can't see him anymore. He is blurry. 

"Don't hurt anyone else. Don't let him. Please." Sky said. His eyes close and his body goes limp.

"No. Sky! Please come back! I can't do this without you by my side! PLEASE! SKY!" I cry on his chest. I just killed my best friend. 

"Finally he is dead!" Enderlox yells. 

"NO! SKY!" I hold him tight. I am not letting go of him. Thunder roars, Lightning hits. The storm is getting worse. I look at the sky. It's gray and black. I look back at Sky.  I remember when I first meant him. No matter what he kept from me. He was always there for me. He helped me through so much. I can't believe he is gone. And by my hand too, someone he trusted with his life. How could I have done this to him? Wait Sky said that it was not me. It was Enderlox. But it feels like it was me. Same body, so it was the same person. I coward behind Enderlox and let him hurt Sky. Well not anymore. I am not letting another person die by my hand or his. I promise Sky after all. I tend to keep that promise. I stand up. I take Sky and put him leaning on the tree. I look at his amulet. He was wearing that when I meant him. I never asked why. I thought maybe his dad or mom gave it to him. I turn around. I start walking down the meadow. I look at him one last time. 

"My turn Ty." Enderlox said.

"Goodbye Sky forever. I will keep my promise." Enderlox regain control of me. We went into the air.

"Where are we going next?"

"How about a cave, so you can stop your crying." Enderlox said. How could I have let things get so bad as this?


Jason's P.O.V

 I sit down. Mitch is looking at Seto. 

"What is h-" I cut off Mitch. 

"Mitch, Seto didn't know what he was doing." I told them want happen to make Seto lose control.

"Is this true?" Jerome asks. 

"Yes." Seto said.

"Lets see the book then." Mitch said. 

"It's in Sky's room." 

"No. Don't touch that book. Sky took it away from me for a reason. I am sure that he wouldn't want us to touch it." Seto said. 

"Sky is not here." Ian said. 

"Wow Ian. Thanks for reminding me." Seto said. I look at Seto. 

"Sky will be fine. He can take care of himself." 

"We know. But Sky is with Enderlox." Quentin said. 

"He will be fine."

"What if-" I slam my hands on the table as I stood up. Everyone looks at me shocked.

"Sky is a strong, smart, and clever guy. Since when did you guys start doubting him?" I look around the room. No one responds. 

"Since the first attack." Jerome said. 

"you guys know Sky. He does not hurt his friends. No matter what. I just realize the problem." Sky won't attack Ty. 

"Yeah, Jason it took you long enough." Mitch said.

"So whats the plan?" 

"Well. Um." Mitch said. I roll my eyes. 

"You have no plan." 

"No. How does Sky come up with one so quickly?" Mitch asks.

"I don't know."

"We will help you Mitch." Jerome said. 

Ty's P.O.V

I walk around the cave. There are paths everywhere. I just sit down. Thunder roars.  I have a promise to keep now. Sky said it, with his dying breath. I hug my knees. This all started by the three of us going to the End. Jason, Sky, and me. I didn't think that going to the End, would result in this. I could have at least try to stop Enderlox. But I didn't, I let him. I ly on the ground. I fall asleep. 

Enderlox: Book 1 in the Sky Army SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now