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Oliver's P.O.V

I open my eyes. I sit up. I look around. Everyone is on the ground. Why? Ian and Quentin are down too. Quentin is next to my cell. I stand up and kneel next to the wall. I put my hand out and shake him. 

"Quentin. Ian. Get up." I look at Ian. 

"It's pointless they are both down for the count." Someone said. I look to the left. Jen. 

"They will be fine." I look at them both.  

"I doubt it. Did you see what Ty turned into? I have never seen something like that." Charlie said.

"I will have nightmares from it." Jen said. Ty looked scare to me. I shake Quentin some more. Why won't he get up?

"To me he looked bloodthirstily." Charlie said.

"I know. I mean I have seen scary stuff. But Ty. He reaches to number one. I have never been so scare before." Jen said. 

"Did anyone come down here yet?" 

"Nope. No one came down here." Charlie said. Where is Jerome? I look at what was Ty's cell. It is destroyed.

"I know right. That cell looks like-" Jen stopped. 

"An Enderdragon destroy it." 

"How did you know I would say that?" Jen asks. 

"Oliver is just weird like that." Charlie said. How could Ty do this? 

"Do you think that the Sky Army will stop Ty?" Jen asks. 

"Ian and Quentin couldn't even stop him." Charlie said. Not even Sky could stop him. I push a cell wall off of Quentin. 

"Neither could Sky or Mitch." They look at me.

"What?" They ask.

"Before this happen Ty told me something." 

"What did he say?" Jen asks. 

"That he killed Sky. Sky didn't fight him. He tried to help him. But Ty just shut him out. " 

"O my god. Sky's gone?" Charlie asks. 

"Yes. Now who is going to look after the army? They can't do it without Sky. They will fall apart slowly." 

"How do you know?" Jen asks. 

"Before  I got locked up. Jake told me this. I tried to get rid of Sky. But I saw how he cared for others. He didn't treat them as pieces of trash. He treated them as family. When I heard what Ty told me. I knew that Sky doesn't hurt his friends. Even if they hurt him. He does not fight back. He just takes it as it is." I hear footsteps coming down from the hallway. They are growing louder. I see Jerome coming. He kneels down next to Quentin. Jerome has claws marks on his cheek 

"Where's Ty?" He looks at me. He does not answer. Ian gets up slowly. 

"Ian you okay?" Jerome asks. 

"Yeah I'm fine." Ian said. Jerome grabs Quentin. 

"He's out cold." Jerome said. Ian and Jerome stand up. They run down the hallway. I watch them disappear into the darkness. The look in Jerome's eyes. I don't like it. He looked upset and scare almost. What has been happening up there?

"Well that was rude of Jerome." Jen said. 

"He was focusing on Quentin Jen." Charlie said. 

 "I know that." Jen said. 

"Oliver you ok?" Charlie asks. 

"He's fine Charlie." Jen said. 

"Jen shut up. Oliver you okay?" Charlie asks. 

"Yeah I'm fine." 

"Really?" Charlie asks. I look at him. 

"It was the look in Jerome's eyes I didn't like. It worries me." I lean on the cell door. 

"What did it look like?" Jen asks. 

"Sadness, despair, angry, pain, and scared." 

"You got all of that?" Charlie asks. 


"Ty turning into well that. Must be taking a heavy toll on all of them." Charlie said. 

"Yeah. I ask Jerome where is Ty he didn't answer me or even look at me." 

"Why do you care so much about them?" Jen asks.

"Image someone you knew turn evil and was killing everyone and you knew that it was not them doing it themselves. But also image what it feels like to kill your best friend by your own hand and wishing you could take it back." Jen and Charlie stare at me for a moment. I see Jerome coming down the hallway. He goes into Ty's cell. He kneels down and picks up the broken chains. 

"Oliver. Did you talk to Ty?" Jerome asks. He does not look at me. 

"Yes. What happen to him Jerome? We deserve some answers after what we saw." Jerome does not look at me. 

"Ty was.." He started. He is just staring at the chains. I slide to the other side of my cell. I look at Jerome in the eyes. 

"What happen? Everything, start from the beginning." This must be hard for him. Hard for all of them. 

"He didn't betray us. Sky won't believe that. But when Jason, Ty, and Sky went to the End. Something must have happen. Something they didn't tell us. Jason came back. Jason said that Ty was screaming and Sky just yelled at him to go tell Seto that it happen. When all of us got to the camp. It looked like bloodly battle went on. Trees were on the ground, blood was everywhere. We looked for Sky. Jason found him. Seto said that Ty put some curse on Sky. He said that Ty's ender side was awoken. Something to do with that Enderdragon. Seto lifted the curse. But Sky couldn't even stand. We took him back to the base. Ty's goal was to kill Sky. But it didn't work. It did put Sky in a coma. When he woke up. Seto told us that he left Sky alone an hurt somewhere. We went looking for him. We went into Seto's room. Seto must have found him. Because we heard yelling in the hall. Mitch went out to see what it was. I heard him yell for Seto to stop. Then I saw Mitch hit the wall. Jason, Quentin, Ian and I went into the hall. Then we see Seto holding Sky against a wall. His eyes were purple. I ran at him to stop him. But something hit us that made us fly through the building and onto the ground outside. We found out that Ty was here and he called himself Enderlox. We I woke up Sky was gone, Enderlox is gone. Seto was actually control by him. Seto, Jason, Mitch and I went to look for Sky or Ty. Mitch and I found Ty. He attacked us. I knocked him out. Ty left Mitch hurt and dying. So I took them back here." Jerome said. Why did he stop? He looks like he is about to cry right now,


"Ty left Mitch in a coma. Ty told me that he killed Sky. But that's not possible. Sky is tough. He has been in worst situations then this." Jerome said. He got up and left.

"Whoa." Jen said.

"Is that all that you could say?" Charlie asks. I look at the chains that Jerome left behind. That's alot to take in.

"Sky is not gone."

"What?" Jen asks. I look at her.

"I said that Sky cant be gone."

"Didn't you hear what Jerome said. Ty left Mitch in a coma and Sky for the dead." Charlie said. NOt possible. I look back at the chains.

"How well do you know Sky?"

"No that well." Charlie said.

"Jerome is right. Sky is a tough guy. He will make it back here alright."  

"How do you know this Oliver?" Charlie asks.

"Because I can feel it." 

Enderlox: Book 1 in the Sky Army SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now