Backstage attack

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Trish's POV

Me and Lita just had a tag match and our opponents was Molly Holly and Gail Kim also we won the match anyway right now me and Lita are backstage heading to the lunch room the boys are in their locker room getting ready for their match together against Edge and Christian.

Lita: I know the boys will win their match

Trish: I agree but we don't know who their opponent is

Lita: I think it is Edge and Christian

Trish: well they  better be careful

Lita: *nods in agreement* 

???: you two!

We turned around to the voice and we saw Gail Kim and Kelly Kelly they didn't look happy then the next thing we knew a fight started between us 4 I was against Gail Kim and Lita was against Kelly Kelly.

The refs' had to split us apart and when they finally got us apart me and Lita walked away but then we felt an impact on our backs and it was Gail Kim and Kelly Kelly they carried on attacking us we put up a fight but fighting after a match isnt a good idea.  When they stopped they threw us onto the ground but our heads hit something hard then it went black.

End of POV

Jeff's POV

Me and Matt are by the curtain with Edge and Chrisitian.

They walked out from the curtain.

Announcer: this tag match is set for one fall first on their way to the ring....Edge and Christian!

They got in the ring and did whatever but I am worried about Trish and Matt saw this.

Matt: listen Jeff I am worried about Trish as well but you have got to have your head in the match

Jeff: *nods*

Me and my brother walked out from the curtain I did my dance while Matt did our symbol then we made our way down the ramp.

Announcer: and their opponents from Cameron North Carolina weighing in at a combined weight of 451 pounds.... Matt and Jeff.... the Hardy boyz!

We got to the end of the ramp and then looked at each other we nodded and then slid into the ring and we both jumped on a turnbuckle and did our symbol then we both jumped off.

I got on the apron while Matt started the match and Christian got on the apron and Edge started the match. The bell rang then they started.

Near the end of the match

I was on the apron and Matt was the legal person he was about to tag me in but the  titantron played a video all 4 of us looked at it and we saw Lita and Trish lying on the ground passed out.

J.R: oh my god

I jumped off the apron and Matt followed me and we ran backstage to find the girls we don't care what the ref does, hell we don't even care if we get a count out all we care about is the girls health something like this happened with me and Matt they stayed by our sides so we are gonna do the same for them.

I saw Mickie and Candice they smiled when they saw us.

Mickie: Jeff what's wrong?

Jeff: I'm sorry Mickie but I can't talk

Mickie: why not?

Matt: Jeff we better hurry up before an ambulance takes them away.

Jeff: I'm coming

Mickie: but Jeff....

Jeff: I'm sorry

Me and Matt ran to the girls side I know Mickie won't be happy with me at the moment and Candice won't be happy with Matt but we only care about the girls health. 

Matt: I wonder who could attack them? 

Jeff: I am not sure 

Matt: I hope they haven't lost their memory

Jeff: don't put those ideas into our heads Matt

Matt: sorry 

End of POV

Mickie's POV

Me and Candice watched as our boyfriends went running to Trish and Lita I was jealous because my boyfriend is with another girl I know he isn't cheating because Jeff isn't that sort of guy and neither is Matt.

Candice: they are only friends and they show more attention to those two than they do with us and we are their girlfriends

Mickie: I know 

Candice: so we have to teach Miss Stratus and Lita a lesson 

Mickie: what are you thinking?

Candice: we either ask for a match or we give them a shock by attacking them backstage

Mickie: but wait what if they go to the Hardyz?

Candice: we put on fake tears and then we can tell them that those two attacked us

Mickie: oh 

Candice: the Hardyz will be angry with the girls and they will break their friendship

Mickie: you're evil 

Candice: I try 

Mickie: *smiles*

Candice: and besides the girls will be too heartbroken that they have lost their best friends they won't be able to think straight in a match against us and that is gonna be sweet

Mickie: I like your thinking 

Candice: thank you but you had better not slip up

Mickie: I won't if it gets Jeff away from Trish then I don't care and I won't say a word 

Candice: good 

We then went to my locker room to think of a plan.

End of POV

Jeff's POV

Me and Matt are in separate ambulances I am with Trish and he is with Lita we still want to know who would hurt the girls. Our match against Edge and Christian might have to be moved for a rematch another time because of what has happened to the girls we won't leave their side because they have done the same for us.

People say that we are dating when we aren't we are just really close to them me and my brother have to tell our girlfriends that we are only friends and that we love them. It doesn't help when the other divas spread the lies and gossip but Lita and Trish keep us up to date with that and they say that we aren't a thing.

End of POV

Matt's POV

I wonder who would hurt the girls? Wait there is a camera in the lunch room maybe me and Jeff could get a hold of the footage and we can see who attacked them but that is gonna be a hard task.

End of POV

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