Ryan and Kelan try to attack the girls

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Trish's POV

I am in the lunch room with Lita but then Coach walked in and told her she had a match against Maria and the boys were in their locker room since we arrived late and they don't know we are here the only reason why I know they are in their locker room is because Cena told me. 

???: well I finally meet you again Trish

I froze I knew that voice and it was Ryan I slowly turned around.

Trish: what do you want?

Ryan: I want you of course

Trish: well tough because you aren't getting me back

Ryan: oh I will make you 

Trish: I am not a teenager anymore you can't boss me around and I am not scared of you

Ryan: you may not be scared of me now but you will because I can bring you back to your nightmare

Trish: yeah right I have been through worse so you can try 

Ryan: you are really testing my patience Trish

Trish: and? Should I care?

Ryan was trying not to yell at me.

Trish: oh please grow up Ryan I don't like you anymore I seriously don't know what I saw in you 

Ryan then ran at me I dodged the impact at first but then he tried to punch me I closed my eyes waiting for an impact but I didn't feel anything when I opened my eyes I saw Jeff in front of me and he was in a fight against Ryan when I finally got Jeff off Ryan he only had a cut on his lip but when I looked at Ryan he had cuts and bruises on him. 

Trish: leave Ryan I don't want anything to do with you

Ryan: you will be mine again Trish

Trish: never 

Ryan: you say that now but just wait and see

Trish: I will never ever get back with you because you are just a horrible bastard 

Jeff: I'd leave if I were you Ryan 

Ryan ran out of the room and I looked at Jeff and when he saw me looking at him he gave me a smile and I gave one back. 

Trish: are you okay?

Jeff: yeah I am okay 

Trish: how did you get here so fast?

Jeff: I wanted a drink and so did Matt so I told him that I will come here he nodded and as soon as I walked in I saw Ryan he was about to hit you so I instantly stood in front of you and then a fight happened and you know the rest.

Trish: thank you Jeff

Jeff: I told you that I will protect you

Trish: you're sweet

Jeff: we better go back to mine and my brother's locker room

Trish: *nods*

We walked back to his locker room.

*Outside the Hardyz locker room*

We walked inside and I saw Matt watching Lita's match when he heard the door he saw me and Jeff behind me.

Matt: hey Trish

Trish: hi Matt

Jeff: there is a problem

Matt: what?

Jeff: Ryan tried to attack Trish while she was in the lunch room so I told her she should come here so he won't attack her again

Matt: good idea

Me and Jeff were telling Matt what happened in the lunch room.

End of POV

Lita's POV

I gave Maria a twist of fate then I pinned Maria and then I got my hand held high by the ref.

Announcer: here is your winner.....Lita!

I released my hand and then got out of the ring and headed backstage.


I got backstage and I saw Ryan oh no if he is here then Kelan won't be far behind anyway I was walking to the Hardyz locker room since I know they will be there anyway as I was walking down the corridor I got ambushed I thought it was Candice or Mickie but mostly Candice anyway when I saw the person it was Kelan. 

Kelan: missed me

I pushed him off me.

Lita: piss off

I kept him away from me.

Kelan: oh come on you know you love me 

Lita: no 

Kelan: oh come on babe 

Lita: leave me alone

Kelan: nah 

Lita: *glares* 

Kelan: what's wrong babe

Lita: leave me alone!

Kelan: nah besides your mine

Lita: I am not a teenager anymore you can't control my life like you use to and I am glad that I broke up with you

Kelan raised his hand ready to hit me but the impact never came I opened my eyes and saw Matt he didn't look happy he blocked Kelan's strike on me. 

Kelan: you will be mine Lita

Lita: never

Matt: you better leave before I start a fight with you again

Kelan: make me

Matt attacked Kelan it took me a few minutes to get Matt off Kelan then when Matt got off him Kelan had a few cuts and bruises on him while Matt only had 2 cuts on his lip and that is it. 

Lita: are you ok?

Matt: I am okay 

Lita: you sure

Matt: yeah we better get back to mine and my brother's locker room

I nodded and followed Matt.

End of POV

Jeff's POV

Me and Trish were talking then the door opened and in walked Matt and Lita.

Trish: Lita what's wrong?

Lita: Kelan he tried to attack me but luckily Matt saved me 

Jeff: good job Matt went out looking for you

Lita: you were looking for me? *Looks at Matt*

Trish: yeah since you didn't come back after 15 minutes you left the ring I wanted to go find you but since I nearly got attacked by Ryan Jeff didn't let me go so Matt said he will go and then he ran out of the room.

Lita: your sweet Matt

Matt: *smiles*

Lita: so when did Ryan attack you?

Trish: a few minutes after you left for your match and I had an argument with him and after a while he told me that I was testing his patience and then he attacked me but I dodged the first attack but then he went to hit me again as I was about to feel the pain it didn't come I opened my eyes and saw Jeff in front of me.

Lita: you two are such sweethearts

Jeff&Matt: *smiles*

Lita: what have you been talking about?

Me and Trish were telling Matt and Lita what we were talking about before they came in the room and we changed the subject a lot the girls just don't want to talk about Ryan and Kelan and how they found them but to be honest me and Matt don't want to talk about those two. 

End of POV

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