A few years later

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Jeff's POV

I am in my locker room on my own since Matt is with his wife that's right Lita and Matt are married they married last year and they are happy and they in the ring since Lita has a match and Matt went down to the ring with her just in case anything happens to Lita. Me and Trish are in a storyline as a couple so it works out well for us all. 

I was thinking about where my wife could be....that's right me and Trish married a few months ago and we are happy together anyway I was so much in thought I didn't realise someone else in the room with me until I felt hands around my eyes and I also heard a little giggle sound I smiled I knew who it was. 

Jeff: hello to you too princess

The hands removed from my eyes and I saw blonde and it was my blonde princess Trish.

Trish: hey rainbow

Jeff: how is my princess?

Trish: *blushes* Jeff

Jeff: what? 

Trish: you always know how to make me blush

Jeff: you look adorable when you blush

Trish: *smiles* you're so cheesy 

Jeff: but you love it 

Trish: you got me *giggles*

Jeff: *smiles* you are so adorable 

Trish: *whines* Jeff

Jeff: *smiles* 

We talked about anything then the door opened and in walked Lita and Matt holding hands they smiled when they saw us.

Trish: how did the match go?

Lita: I won the match 

Trish: that is great

Jeff: *nods*

They sat down on the other sofa. 

Lita: what have you two been talking about

Jeff: not much

Trish: *nods*

We talked about anything but mostly about Lita's match and what happened in the match. Then the door opened and in walked Coach and when he saw me and Trish he beckoned for us to follow him so we did and we ended up outside Vince's office.

Coach: he wanted to see you 

Jeff: *nods*

We knocked on the door and we heard a 'come in' we opened the door Trish walked in first since I let her and then I followed and closed the door.

Trish: you wanted to see us Mr. McMahon

Vince: ah yes Trish and Jeff I have a match for you two

Jeff: what would that be?

Vince: it will be you and Trish vs Victoria and Steven Richards 

Trish: when is this match?

Vince: it is next

Trish: okay 

Vince: good luck

We then walked out of the room.

Trish: I will be by your locker room as soon as I am ready

Jeff: are you gonna be okay?

Trish: *giggles* I will be fine don't worry

Trish kissed my cheek and then walked away I went back to my locker room.

End of POV

Trish's POV

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