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Harry's POV

Today had been the first great day in years and I couldn't stop smiling.

Draco looked up at me as we studied in the room of requirements, stacks of books surrounding us.

"What's got you so happy?"

I smiled at him. "Today was amazing."


"Yeah." I sighed. "Even Snape was in a good mood."

"Well. Seeing your favorite person more often helps lighten the mood."

I nodded. "Yeah. But I hate that he's trapped by his love for my mom."

"I'm sure he'll get over it, sooner of later."

"Yeah. But. He always says that I have my mother's eyes."




"And Professor Alexander has red hair."

"You think he's seeing similarities?"


"Harry." He sighed looking away from his spell book. "She looks nothing like your mother."


"Probably acts nothing like her too."

"Alexander is the happiest person I've ever seen."

"By far." He laughed.

I laughed with him. "I just-"

"-feel obligated to fix something that you think is broken?"

I rolled my eyes. "..."

"Why don't we finish looking up our bond and then we can go hunt down Alexander?"

I perked up. "Really?"

"Yes." He smiled before looking back down ."How far have you gotten?" I peered over his shoulder as he pointed at the page.

"Well this is all I know so far."

I narrowed my eyes as I started to read.


A spell that binds souls so that two beings can bond on a higher level.

One can summon, provide power, share thoughts, heal wounds, feel emotions, share memories, and dream sync with their bond mate.

Some pairs are known to unlock other abilities if their bond is strong enough.

Warning- If one dies, the other will feel excruciating pain for the rest of their life

Advancements of Unum
To strengthen the bond made by Unum, you must pay a price.

The deeper and stronger the bond, the more painful the separation at death.

In the deepest of cases, both partners die at the same time.

To perform these spells, both souls must be in sync. The caster must feel completely selfless, for selfishness can result in injury.

Patronus Syncum (@emmagarza9 )

The ability to be around each other via Patronus.

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