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Syracuse's POV

I woke up to the scent of sandalwood and clean linen. I rubbed my eyes drowsily before looking up at the sleeping Potions master sitting next me with a book resting on his chest. My eyes skimmed over his resting form, his deep navy tunic was buttoned to his throat and black slacks were slightly wrinkled. His obsidian hair laid slightly disheveled while several strands veiled his face.

My eyes wandered around the room before the scent of antiseptics stung my nose. 

Ah. So I'm in the infirmary. 

My eyes refocused on the black cloak covering me. I smiled a little before carefully sitting up with a wince. My body was still aching from yesterday's fall.

I wiggled my fingers in front of my face before looking at my right hand. I hadn't looked at my arm without my brace in a long time. The skin was discolored and bumpy from the scars from the burns and stitches I once had. The continuation of a cherry blossom branch tattoo tried its best to conceal the ugly marks that decorated my skin. 

I relaxed at the feeling of a familiar hand caressing the back of my neck.

I turned to see an exhausted Severus gazing at me. The concern was clear on his face as he continue to mouth words.

I tilted my head a little before he frowned.

He moved away from me before digging in his satchel. After a few minutes of frantic shuffling and rearranging he pulled out a murky purple potion and handed it to me after taking off the top. 

I sniffed it but the aroma didn't betray its flavor.

He gave me an encouraging nod before I took a leap of faith and took a gulp.  

My initial instinct was to gag, spit-take, or puke. 

The consistency was horrific; the potion being somewhere between tapioca pudding and liquefied jello, yet still somehow drinkable.  

The only thing that saved me from disrespecting his hard work was the strong taste of bananas.

Once I finished forcing it down, I gagged a little before handing him the round bottom flask.

"Ugh." I stuck out my tongue.

"I thought you liked banana."

"I do." I cringed as I felt my stomach wrestle with the potion. "But the consistency was bad."

He looked at me with bright eyes. "You can hear me?"

"Yeah." I rubbed my stomach with a groan. "I can hear you."

"Sorry about the consistency. I was so focused on making it banana flavored that I forgot to take in account how the fruit flavoring would affect the consistency.

"It's fine."

I smiled a little. "How about pain killer laced chocolate chip cookies, next time?" I wiggled my eyebrows playfully.

"I can't bake."

"Really?" I tilted my head. "I can do the baking and you can do the lacing."

"Syracuse." he gave me a stern look and I laughed.

 "Thank you for helping me, Severus." I sighed. "At least I can do all of my tasks today."

He tensed up. "Syracuse..."


"Please be careful today."

"What do you mean?"

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