Amajiki Tamaki

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hello everyone!!! sorry for not updating last week, i was so busy +_+ also, i know this one was posted a little later than normal, but i've been working on the Mirio chapter only to be hit by the worst writer's block >_< don't worry, it's coming i promise!!! to make up for it though, enjoy this fluffy story with our best shy boi <3

My feet splashed against the sidewalk as I desperately held a soggy magazine over my head. Rain poured down, soaking every idiot without an umbrella that was still roaming the sidewalks; myself included. I ended up at the bus stop, my minimal shield now falling apart from the moisture. It began to break apart in my hands, threatening to spill papery goo on my head if I kept it up any longer.

With a sigh, I tossed it into a nearby trashcan, accepting the fact that I was going to have to deal with soaking clothes. "Ohhh... Best Jeanist is not gonna be happy with me!" I was currently in a work study with the number three best hero; Best Jeanist! And as much as I loved the guy, he was overtly strict when it came to appearances. With the way I was now, my hair sopping wet and my costume sticking tightly to my body like a suction cup, I doubted that he was going to be very happy.

The rain wasn't exactly pleasant to stand in either; my boots were filling with water and I was starting to shiver from the constant chill. I sneezed just as someone ran up beside me, prepared for the nasty weather with a large umbrella in hand. We met eyes, his purple pupils barely visible through his mask and mop of dark, messy hair. In the few passing seconds that we spent staring, his face got redder and redder until I thought that he may need a doctor.

"A-Are you okay?" I reached out for him, but he just waved his free hand wildly and shook his head. "I-I-I'm fine! Please, d-d-don't come any c-c-closer!" He shoved the umbrella toward me and then walked away to the far edge of the stop.

I clumsily struggled to grasp the handle, but once I had gripped it with my wet palms, I ran back up to the boy who was now standing in the rain and staring at his feet. Holding the umbrella high, I was barely able to get it over his head before he noticed that I had come back. "C'mon, I don't bite! Your umbrella's big enough for both of us, don't cha think?" I flashed him a quirky smile, suddenly appreciating the fact that my teeth weren't sharp and pointy like some others that I know.

"Uhh... Well, I..." He sputtered something only to give up with a feeble nod, taking the umbrella back to hold for the both of us. When he did, our fingers grazed; it was minimal contact, but both of us felt it happen like an electric shock. "His fingers are still so warm in this rain?! But how?!" I couldn't help but let out a bashful giggle to break the mounting tension, but all it did was bring his attention to my blushing face.

"S-S-Sorry!" The boy bowed a little, sending a wave of rain water from the umbrella's top down, barely missing my feet. "Ah! Sorry!" He was about to step back, but I grabbed his arm with a gentle smile. "No worries, it was an accident. By the way, can I get your name?"

He didn't answer, instead completely still and so pink that his face was almost glowing. "Oh, how rude of me! I should give you my name first, sorry 'bout that. I'm L/n Y/n! But you can just call me Y/n." The raven head still didn't respond, staying frozen and staring at me with his mouth agape. Then I realized; my hand was still clutching his bicep. "Hmm, he's pretty ripped under all these clothes..."

My thoughts snapped me back into reality, my face now red as I retracted my hand. "Uh, sorry about that..."

"Y-Y-Yeah... It's okay..." The boy took a couple deep breaths before readying himself to speak again. "I'm A-A-Amajiki Tamaki. It's nice t-t-to meet you, Y/n-san."

"Pleasure's all mine, Amajiki-kun!"

"Tamaki's fine..." His soft words were accented by the small smile that had formed on his lips. "Well then, it's nice to meet you too, Tamaki-kun!" The bus finally pulled up; I was ready to get out of the miserable weather and continue talking to Tamaki in a more comfortable environment. Yes, at this point, a crowded bus was better than standing out here. The doors opened and I was ready to hop on when the driver stuck out his hand. "Sorry, miss, I can't let you on like that."

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