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Hiccup POV

Toothless's wing was as warm as it was soft I was wrapped in them and I didn't want to get out. There was a lot of commotion coming from the outside of the cage but I didn't care about that I was happy where I was and aslong as that guards down we are safe. I closed my eyes to go to sleep again. But those footsteps were getting closer and closer to the cell. I was about to fall asleep when the guard was flung open I jumped back in fright I poked my head out of the wing to look around There was a huge man standing at the entrance to the cage he had a long red beard and even bigger muscles. He stood there as if for us to marvel in his presence. He looked down at us and sighed. The man muttered something to himself I couldn't understand. He continued to looked at us. And then as suddenly as he came in he turned away.

I was a little uncomfortable because now he's moved out of the way the whole village can see into our cage. I squeezed my way out of toothless's wing and dashed behind his back to hide.
He started talking to the rest of the scaless whatever he was saying must have been something good as the whole crowd started to cheer I started to get worried. He slammed the guard down and stormed off. I yelped at the sound of the guard hitting the ground.

Three hours later

I was fast asleep when I herd it so it was a shock when the guard was flung open. I rubbed my eyes to see one of the villagers staring at us "what's with these people and staring?" I thought. He had a small axe with blood stains all over the sharp little blade. His cloths looked like they had been dragged through a bog and the boy himself didn't look much better. He was covered head to toe in dirt. Before I knew what was happening toothless bolted out of the cell towards the boy. The boy threw his axe away and grabbed a Wooden sword. I was watching the fight hoping toothless would be victorious. The boy stopped fighting and turned to me. I gulped and ran he lunged for me but missed. I frantically ran around the arena looking for something anything I can use to hide from my attacker. I scanned the walls and found it. A rack of swords proper ones with sharp metal blades. I stopped thinking about the swords and hid behind it. After a few minutes of waiting I felt something poke my leg. I bolted out of my hiding spot and ran he caught up in no time at all. "Wach out!" I herd toothless yell. The boy stood above me before crashing his weapon down hard on my head. I screamed in pain as I felt something sharper and more deadly then just wood. I began to feel a little faint. The boy violently picked me up by the neck and threw me into a cell I cried out but that was muffled by the loud sound of the guard being slammed down and whacked violently of the floor. I waited for toothless to be put in but he never was.

I didn't sleep at all that night.

Astrid POV

I woke up to the sounds of some villagers talking about where the best place to buy mead was. I didn't past much heed on their conversation but I was awake now so I decided to get dressed for the day ahead.

I grabbed some food off the table before I left the house. The walk to the arena was uneventful. I saw Snotlout and Tuffnut. Snotlout quickly finished his conversation and casually walked up to my side.  "Have you thought about the date?" Snotlout said trying to charm me. I shoved him away and walked off.

I arrived at the arena a little later than I expected but nevertheless got there before anyone else did. I studied the rows of swords carefully selecting one then walked over to one of the cells which I hoped contained the not-so-deadly Night Fury. As I flung the guard open the Fury darted towards me. I dodged the attack gracefully and opened another cell to find the boy cowering in the corner crying. He didn't seem to notice me enter and if he did he didn't care. I decided to leave him be for a few minutes while I took care of his friend.

I swung my sword directly at the dragon then heard a cracking noise, looking down to see my sword sheath was split. Cursing I continued to fight as best I could before switching swords mid battle. I had stunned the dragon and so took the opportunity to meet the boy. I strode into his cell and picked him up. He tried to get away but my grip wouldn't allow him to. I removed the wooden sword sheath from my sword and walked calmly over to the dragon.

The boy was still wriggling in my grip but when I placed the blade to his neck he stopped instantly. All I had to do now was wait.

Half an hour later:

The boy hadn't moved a muscle since earlier and I was beginning to think he was dead - until he bit me. I drew the blade and looked at my hand. The dragon sniggered but stopped when it saw I had the boy. The dragon tried to rescue the boy but he stopped once I pushed the blade in deeper drawing blood.

"Stoick only needs a dragon for this upcoming event so I can kill him and there wouldn't be any loss" I said gesturing to the boy. The dragon shook its head. "But I'm a nice girl and I'll make you a deal, I want you to rig the competition with me." I said grinning. The dragon looked confused. "When the competition starts and you are let out I want you to let me kill you." I said still grinning madly. The dragon shook his head. I pushed the blade deeper and the boy screamed. The dragon shook his head and dashed over to the boy. "Excellent if you betray me I'll kill your little friend" I said before putting them both in their cell, shutting the door as I strode calmly to my hut.

At the fight:

I walked into the big arena and was cheered as I walked over to the rows and rows of weapons. I grabbed a sword and a shield.

As I got ready I noticed some drops of rain hitting me but ignored it as best I could. Finally the huge doors of the dragons cell were opened. The boy was watching from the cell. The dragon shot at me, his blast only missing my head by a few centimetres. I charged directly at him and just as we planned he did nothing to defend himself. He was pretending to have an injured leg and didn't notice me. I stood above him my sword only centimeters from his head. I was about to plunge it down into it when all hell broke loose. There was a cracking sound and the rain became torrential. There was another cracking noise and a huge fork of lightning hit the roof of the arena. I dropped the sword and looked up at Stoic as if to say what now. There was another bolt hitting the exact same place as it did a few minutes ago. Most of the other villagers were on there hands and knees so i did the same. There was another fork of lightning that hit my house setting it alight.

"THOR HAS SPOKEN" he boomed. "I WILL CALL OFF THIS PROGRAM UNTIL I GET TO THE BOTTOM OF THIS" he said referring to why thor was angry at us.

Valka followed me assuring me everything would be ok.

Don't worry I have a plan.  😏Thanks for reading this :)


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