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"Mommy please tell him no" Carmen cried as she tried to put her weight down and pull back so her dad would stop loading her things into the car

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"Mommy please tell him no" Carmen cried as she tried to put her weight down and pull back so her dad would stop loading her things into the car.

"It is tradition Carmen, there's nothing I can do" her mother sighed.

"But your black, I'm half black doesn't that count for something?" She asked as she continued to cry.

Her mother shook her head "no baby, I'm married to your father and sadly you were a girl, girls don't get a say so" she told her, starting to cry too.

She gave her daughter a long hug before she rushed into her room so she wouldn't cry in front of her.

She didn't like the fact that her husband was ping this to their only child but he wouldn't have if there wasn't money in for it but that makes her even more upset. It's like he's selling their baby girl away for life.

But of course she could always come visit if the boy she was being forced to marry let her.

If he is anything like how Abdul is then she will all the time but Christy hadn't met the boy so she wouldn't know, only Abdul met him.

The teenager cried on the floor, balled up before her dad came in and picked her up off the floor.

"Daddy please" she cried harder but he just carried her out of the house and sat her in the car, buckling her seatbelt.

He closed her door before getting in on his side and starting the car. They had maybe a 6 hour drive in front of them and during the first 3 hours the only thing coming out of Cara's mouth were whimpers and pleads to not go.

He didn't mind giving up his daughter into a marriage, it was a part of tradition, little girls had to be married off. Growing up he seen it happen to his sisters and they weren't near as dramatic as his daughter was to the fact but it was probably because they knew the rules.

He had married a black women that had a choice of who she wanted to marry so his daughter wasn't completely prepared for this.

His younger sister and his daughter had almost the same reactions. His younger sister hadn't been married off until they got into America so she thought she wouldn't have to but when the time come she through a fit.

He looked over to see his caramel colored daughter sleep but she had many dry tear stains on her face.

He didn't feel bad for her though, this is how things are supposed to go, this is how they've always been.

In India it was rare that you find someone willing to pay to marry your daughter but people in America offered money more, his father had gotten paid to marry his younger sister off to an American and now he was getting paid to do his.

The difference was he was getting paid a lot more and the man his daughter was marrying had fame and fortune.



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