Chapter 4

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"So, here's the basic overview," a large woman with frizzy hair and a low gruff voice began, "My name is Karen, and I'm the executive producer of Oasis Island. Any shit goes down, you deal with me. So be sure to follow the ground rules."

Dianne looked around and noticed she wasn't the only one who was nervous - the other couples were glancing at each other, clearly uncomfortable.

"Every week, there will be a competition, and the winner gets the date for the week. They can take their partner out, or choose to switch it up. There will also be a new contestant brought in every week - alternating between men and women. There will be a modified selection ceremony at the end of every week, and whoever doesn't get selected, goes home. Easy enough to handle, right?" Karen continued. "And here are the ground rules I mentioned. Physical fights will get you removed. Too much alcohol consumption will get you removed. And consent is king - in every sense of the word."

Dianne looked at the group, knowing she wasn't the only one that didn't believe a word she was saying. This was Oasis Island...physical fights and alcohol were the main plot points. She noticed Marisol rolling her eyes in the background.

"And that's basically it. Once we leave, it's just house cameras until we come in for competitions, dates and selection ceremonies," Karen finished.

"Oi, so basically cameras are on all the time?" Steve called from across the pool.

Joe snorted beside her, and Dianne had to bite her lip to stop from laughing.

"Um yes, that is the concept of the show, Steve." Karen shouted back. "So be aware - anything you do - is on camera. For now and forever."

And with that, she was gone, taking the massive camera crew with her.

"Yo, lovebirds, I saw you crack into that wine earlier, lets move this party to the bar," Luke shouted in Joe and Dianne's direction.

Dianne saw Joe grin back, and soon she was walking back to the bar, hand in hand with Joe. It was odd, she thought as they strolled across the lawn, how comfortable she felt with him already. The way Joe had just grabbed her hand so casually - it was like they had known each other much longer than one hour.

Dianne slid back onto a bar stool, Joe standing closely at her side. After chatting amongst themselves, sharing their professions, ages, and backgrounds, the group spread out across the bar, conversation lulling.

"So, bro. Why are you wearing jeans to the Oasis Island mansion?" Luke cut into the silence laughing as Joe rolled his eyes.

"Yeah, this is an excuse to wear next to nothing and show off the abs," Steve added in, flexing his muscles with absolutely no subtlety. Hannah giggled in response, and wrapped her arm around his waist.

Dianne fought back the urge to roll her eyes, and instantly felt protective of Joe. But as she gazed up at his face, he looked calm and collected.

"Mate, look at me. I've got no abs to show off. And I need to pace myself in the sunshine - not sure if you can tell, but I'm about 10 shades paler than you lot," he responded, chuckling to himself.

Steve and Luke laughed congenially, raising their glasses to him across the bar. Dianne noticed Quinn smirking at the group, before she started to speak, "So...where are the cameras out here? I need to know what spots Jay and I can go for some privacy."

Jay wiggled his eyebrows at her, and Dianne once again physically forced her eyes to remain facing forward. Something about them rubbed her the wrong way, but it could have been the snide comment toward Joe that was still grating on her.

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